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L-what are u doing here?

Y-im with my bestfriend sister as u can see

L-ur a...lesbian?

All dixie friends started laughing and so did dixie

Y-im attracted to females and males

L-well that's...good...anyways i am here for anna or Avery to get the party favors

Y-she is over there with my bestfriend

L-...y/n can u come over here real quick?

Y-sure...ill be back dix


I walk over and The boys that was with Lauren is glaring down at Dixie friends and Bryce is looking at me

L-can u ask Dezie can she ask her and see if she can get the for free?


Josh -ill wait in the car

L-what why?

He doesn't say anything but get in the car and if I didn't know any better I'd say he is jealous which is rare for Josh

L-whatever anyways soooo


L-*squeals* thank u

I go over to Dezi and Avery and as i get closer i can see Avery hand on the hem of Dezi pants at the top


Avery-u sure?*smirks*

Y-hay Avery?

Avery-hay wassup?

Y-so ik my friend Lauren wants to buy something for u but she forgot her wallet

Avery-oh well then she gotta give me something else

Dezi-*hits Avery*

Avery-ow babe im kidding


Dezi-just a pet name she keeps aggravating me with

Avery-want me to stop?


Avery-thought so

Y-mhm but Avery we really need it pls?

Dezi-pls...for me?

Avery-fine...but only because my baby girl asked nicely

She said grabbing Dezi Chin kissing her and i turned and seen Josh pissed through the car window

She takes off her book bag and pulls out a zip lock bag full of weed and 2 small bags with ecstasy in it and was about to hand it to Dezi but snatched it back


Dezi-stop trying to be all cute*smiles*

Avery got close to where they lips where touching and Dezi tried to kiss her but she teased her

Avery got close to where they lips where touching and Dezi tried to kiss her but she teased her

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