[4] Possible suspect.

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     Klaus and the policemen approached the scene of the crime, the cops stopping at the sight. But the hero moved forwards, deeply intrigued. Kneeling in front of the dead body, he squinted slightly as he watched the gape in his skull, where an eye was supposed to be. The man's expression was frozen in shock, his one eye rolled backwards. Looking around, the hero found no trace of the missing eye.

     Klaus scowled as he noticed a bulge in the man's throat. As he opened his jaw widely, he ignored the ripped tongue, instead focusing on what he was looking for. The eye.

     His mind instantly wondered to Billy Clarkson's case, the tactic similar. Organ shoved in victim's throat. It must have been the same killer, he concluded, the coincidence too outstanding. Two similar situations in the same month... While having questioned the men most recently released from Megan Mental Hospital, the cops had been informed that Billy was a rapist, which meant the criminal killed him for revenge. Now why would he kill the cop?

     "Josh, come here a moment." the hero asked his friend and detective, turning around as he heard no movement. The four policemen were looking anywhere but at the corpse, keeping distance, Josh matching their positions. With a sigh, Klaus stood up and approached him instead. "This cop was involved in the questioning of the patients, for Billy's case, wasn't he?" he asked, biting his nails deep in thought.

     "Yes. His name is Edward Jonathan. Him and Bob, the black guy, were sent to question the recently released men: Paul Martin, Venom, Ian Klein and Jeans Luther. Why are you asking this now?"

     "Mhmm... I think the same killer as then. This guy's eye is inside his throat, just as Billy's penis was. So, I'm guessing it was one of these 4 gentlemen that killed Billy and this cop."

     "What if it wasn't one of the four patients that killed Billy in the first place?" Josh asked. "They're just suspects because  they were released from where the man worked, but we have no proof really."

     "Who would randomly decide to kill a rapist working full time in a mental hospital if not one of his mad victims?" the hero snapped before sighing. His mind wondered to Venom, of course. A cannibal psychotic villain, from what he heard. "So tell me. This hero that was killed by Venom..."

     "The hero had nothing shoved down his throat, in case that's where you're trying to reach. And we're more than certain, seeing as his throat had been ripped off his body." Josh murmured, watching as the men around were searching for evidence and taking photos.

     Klaus nodded slowly, before spitting a chewed nail. "See you whenever." he murmured, not waiting for a reply as he walked away deep in thought.

     His mind wondered to the one hooker he saved. She was later found dead, her neck stabbed repeatedly, a pocket knife in her hand. Everyone suspected it was suicide, but the hero could tell otherwise. Firstly, he heard her mention the daughter she loved so much, she wouldn't just leave her alone like that. And secondly, he found it suspicious how the stabs were right around the area of her jugular vein- supposedly a vampire's bite spot. The fact, of course, sent him to the thought of the villain, most likely having tried to cover his bite marks by stabbing her neck. Clever...

     Klaus scowled. He also noticed that the cop's tongue was bitten off, not chopped... It had to be the villain, but he needed proof. Despite Venom being the first suspect, he knew that Ian Klein has been sent in the mental hospital for cannibalism...

     Tsking, he continued to walk, knowing the cases would be on his mind for a long time from now on.

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