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Name: Udar Odinson

Aliases: Odin's first son, The Burner, Lord of Fire and Heat, The True Prince of Asgard, Destroyer.

Godly Domains: Fire, Heat, Lava, Duels, War, Victory, Violence, Power and Wandering.

Age: 30,326 (Thor's older brother for 4 years and yes, they are older in this book)

Height: 6'3

Weight: 630 lbs

Hair color: Brownish almost red haired

Eye color: Blue (Glows orange when using his powers)

Place of Birth: Asgard

Appearance: His appearance in comparison to his brothers is different, his hair is completely shaved in the sides and mohawk on top, he has a full beard, he is big, not like Thor in terms of muscle but it is there and he is toned.

Asgardian Costume:

(He has both eyes, btw)

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(He has both eyes, btw)

Personality: Unlike Thor, he is mature, more calm and patient. He is extremely courageous, wanting to explore other lands, other realms, a wanderer between the gods. But like every son of Odin, each of them had a weakness or a bas side... Loki was deceiving, Thor was bloodthirsty and craving for battles... Udar was aggressive, violent, merciless, just like Odin or worse. But he has managed to control that side of him thanks to Odin's help and the help of other gods of other lands. He is also very caring for both his brothers and selfless, but he does have a short temper when either of the two does something really stupid.

Powers and Abilities

Udar Odinson being Odin's "first" born, The All-Father and his mother actually being Hrodur, a Giant, for she was one of the remaining Jotunns that wasn't a Frost Giant but more of a Fire Giant, she remained in Vanaheim away from her people, currently dead. Because of being the son of The All-Father and a Jotunn, Udar is one of Asgard's greatest warriors and most powerful, potentially capable of even surpassing his father in raw power and strength, he was considered to be King of Asgard though he declined said offer to be able to walk among the other gods and lands, given him the nickname, "The Wanderer".

Asgardian Physiology: As an Asgardian, Udar possesses superior strength, speed and power to the humans and even most of his kind, equaled or slightly stronger than Thor but surpassed by their father, Odin. He was trained by Odin in the arts of war, so Udar is ready to defend Asgard as the Strength of Asgard.

Superhuman Strength: He is slightly stronger than Thor due to age, despite the body difference, just slightly but he is. Udar is powerful enough to lift boulders, push the weight of buildings and more. Though he still isn't as strong as Odin, but Odin believes that in no time, Udar's strength will surpass his own. Being God of War gives him already natural higher levels of strength than the average god, but he ain't the God of Strength which is actually Thor, though he believes that is his dedication what still leaves him above Thor in strength, which won't take long for Thor is surpass him.

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