(Thor) Chapter 1: Odinsons

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???: Once, mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in this universe. Some worlds man believed to be home to their gods. Others, they knew to fear. From a realm of cold and darkness came the Frost Giants, threatening to plunge the mortal world, into a new ice age. But humanity, would not face this threat alone. Our armies drove the Frost Giants, back into the heart of their own world. The cost was great. In the end, their king fell. And the source of their power, was taken from them. With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds, and returned home, to the realm eternal... Asgard. And here, we remain as the beacon of hope. Shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard, and its warriors, that brought peace... to the universe.

An elder man missing an eye was walking with three boys... one had blond hair, almost long, the other had black hair, he was skinnier and looked shyer and the other had brownish hair but had a few dreads in his hair. That was Odin... and his sons, Thor, Loki and Udar.

Odin: But the day will come, when one of you, will have to defend that peace.

Loki: Do the Frost Giants live?

Udar: If father didn't kill the Giant King... I think they do-

Thor: When I'm a king... *starts to throw air swings* I'll hunt the monsters down, and slay them all! Just as you did, Father.

Odin: *looks at his sons* A wise king, never seeks out war, but... he must always be ready for it.

Odin walks away as Udar looks at him and later at his younger brothers, smiling at each other as they run towards their father.

Thor: I'm ready, Father.

Loki: So am I.

Udar: And I.

Odin grabbed Udar and Thor's hands as he let Loki jump on his back, piggy back riding him.

Odin: Only one of you can ascend to the throne. But you three were always born to be kings.


Cheers were heard... loud cheers, as in the palace of Asgard... where the throne of Odin is... many people applauded as a new king will be born... Thor Odinson... his second born. Thor now a handsome man... strong with a hammer... Mjolnir, he raised it also cheering. He walked down as he walked by the Einherjar, he celebrated, flipping his hammer laughing, one of Asgard's greatest warrior's, Lady Sif saw his actions... he looked a bit ridiculous.

Sif: Oh, please.

Thor's mother Frigga looked away trying to not feel embarrassed but Odin showed no emotion... even though he was embarrassed of seeing Thor acting like this. Thor kept walking... still celebrating, it was his day as Thor reached the stairs... but he didn't reach them... as he knelt putting his hammer Mjolnir down and taking his winged helmet off... letting his blond hair go free. Smiling, he winked at his mother who looked more embarrassed at her son acting like this. Odin slowly stood up as Thor smiled at three warriors in the right hand side of the stairs... The Warriors 3. When Odin DID stand up... he tapped the ground with Gungnir... once... only once.

Odin: Thor Odinson, my heir, my second-born. *trying not to cry* So long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Forged in the heart of a dying star. It's power has no equal! as a weapon to destroy, or as a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a king. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms, in the time of the great beginning. And though the day has come for a new king.

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