(Thor) Chapter 3: Brotherhood

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Few centuries ago


A portal was formed in the darkest depths of the Nine Realms, to the very bottom of Yggdrasil, The World Tree. The portal was made of fire which shot to the sky, lighting up the entire realm. The fire portal dispersed, again bringing darkness to wherever this place was, showing Udar standing with an axe in hand... his axe, Farbjoor, which translates to "Destroyer". His clothes were also different, as he was wearing his Asgardian armor while looking around the place... he could smell pain and death in where he was, feel it. Udar started to walk forward in a slow pace, still gripping Farbjoor with a good strength, as he passed by a few corpse, already rotten to the point they were just bones and the armor extremely rusty... they resembled Valkyrie armor. He ignored the amount of corpse around him and cold frozen and old blood splattered around the entire place, the mist also wasn't very pleasant, not even a little.

He closed his empty fist and was covered on fire, as he kept walking though still holding a frown yet slightly worried as well.

???: Fire!

He quickly looked to his right side with his fire going brighter, ready to attack. The voice he heard was hallowed, as he saw a huge amount of people with cloaks, looking much more paler than normal, also skinner and slightly transparent, see through. He looked slightly shocked as he quickly walked away from them as they plea for his fire.

???: Wait! Don't go!

He looked saddened but slowly took away his saddened face and looked determined and frowned again, as he quickly decided to fly towards his location, as his body is covered in flames and he took flight while holding his axe back. He flew towards a palace in a mountain, a palace made of thousands and thousands of rotten bones and armor, but what truly made Udar weary was the 400 feet tall bird in the room... or well... in the top of the mountain watching everything... and everyone. The bird looked bloodied and old, with glowing green eyes, yet his wings flapped extremely slow but even with that, even with that slow speed, it was creating huge cold wind, yet his fire didn't extinguish.

Moments later, he landed on the palace, as he saw trees around the place, dead and frozen trees merged with dozens of corpse, the ground wasn't the cleanest either and he heard the sound of a growling, as he saw a cage, a giant cage right to his left hand side and glowing green eyes behind them, with the growl sounds like the one of a wolf plus echoing. He looked forwards to the throne, seeing a figure seating there, with a long black damaged cape, black damaged armor and holding a blade in her hand, one that radiated death. The figure was a female, who looked incredibly pale with long black hair, meant to be beautiful but no longer, and the glowing green eyes were also with her... Hela... his older sister... first born of Odin.

Hela: Huh... Odinson, "first" born.

Udar: *sarcastic* Good to see you too, sister.

Hela: Let me guess, father sent you to watch over me.

Udar: I came here in my own terms, All-Father has no knowledge of it,

Hela: Ugh, All-Father? What a ridiculous name, the name of a liar.

Udar: *frowned* I know, Asgard was built on lies, as if he created everything.

Hela: But it was Ymir's body that created the Nine Realms, at least, 6 and a bit more than that. And then he had me, his executioner, *stands up weakly* his first child, Goddess of Death, of the Dead, Hunger, Pain and Greed, the perfect warrior... and he decided to achieve peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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