Rage And Regret (Good Ending N1.)

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(POST-GOOD ENDING AUBREY'S POV) ".. N-no.. what.. WHAT KIND OF SICK FUCKING JOKE IS THIS? HUH?" "AUBREY.. calm dow-". KEL says, dumbfounded and miserable at the knowledge of the truth. "NO KEL. NO! THEY'VE TORTURED US. THOSE 2, TORTURED US. AND YOU'RE TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN? SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! YOU ALL ARE SICK PIECES OF SHIT. RAHH!!" I say, stomping out the room. 2 months later, school has started and BASIL has been relentlessly tortured and bullied after the TRUTH spread around town. Specifically by the hooligans, and this one new guy that BASIL has no idea about, it's all the same to him anyways, it's just another hooligan probably. (BASILS POV.) "Hey bitchboy! Give me your lunch money. NOW." Aubrey violently says. "..." BASIL is scared. "Hello? Are you deaf you cunt?" Kim spouts out. "..." BASIL is afraid. "...Hmph. You wanna play that game? Meet me outside after school." AUBREY says, and then mumbles something I couldn't hear. Probably an insult.. I decided to take the emergency exit and dash home. Who knows what she would have done? Who knows what she will do? I think im gonna ask Polly if I can be home schooled. This is to much for me anymore, she's the only one who stuck out for me and loved me even after the TRUTH sprea- "Hey! You!" ...It was the new guy. Oh no. Oh god no. Hes WORSE then the hooligans! What's he doing here? What's he gonna do? "Just wanted to tell you this. She Before they talked to you in the cafeteria, I had heard their plans if you didn't comply, or run like you did now. They would've beaten you senseless. And by the looks of you, dead. I'm gonna make pizza by the way, he's my address if you wanna come. I'm really sorry. Like, I know you can't forgive me, but consider this a way of saying that I regret bullying you. My names REN, REN Ronisata." Gained RENS Address! ...What?? "U-uh.. th-thank you.. m-my names BASIL.. b-bye!" I run back home, wondering if he was being serious or not. It's worth a shot I suppose. I forgive him. THE END.

Hey. How'd you like the story? Obviously this is good end number 1. Bad end number 1? Idk when. Good end number 2? Idk when again LOL. And bad end number 2 i don't think I have ideas for. Leave a comment pls, I wanna see what you guys think! Im down to chat for a while tbh so if u have discord just comment here and ask and I'll reply! 445 words.

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