Touch Me I'm Going to Scream

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Sasuke isn't exactly sure how he landed himself where he is, but he's not sure he minds all that much.

Warm hands pull him backwards by his hips till they meet another, their arousal pressing into his lower back. A hot mouth attaches itself to his neck and sucks hard. Determined to leave a mark. He arches his back and gasps as hands push their way up his shirt, lingering attention on his nipples before pulling his shirt over his head.

He's spun around and his mouth claimed as he's lead backwards. The slide of tongue against tongue distracting him till the back of his knees hit the edge of a soft surface. Pushed down till he's flat on his back looking up at the man above him.

In this moment he realizes just how alike they look, eyes like an endless void, hair dark as night, skin pale. He notices the differences too though they seem like an afterthought in his head, hair longer than his had ever been, skin more acquainted with the sun. Eyes clouded with lust and awe, though hiding behind it all, a touch of guilt and an all-encompassing affection.

"It's okay." he whispers to the other in their hesitation.

He raises himself up on his elbow and reaches out, just as the other raises a knee to edge of the bed. Pulls him down by his shirt as they lean down and press another hard kiss to his mouth. Sasuke opens immediately, moans as a tongue swipes against his lower lip. Hands caress down his sides, as he's pushed back into the soft surface once again. Fingertips dance and fumble at his waistband, before pulling his pants open and down. He shifts to aid in their removal leaving him in nothing but his undergarments. He watches as the other leans back and tugs his shirt over his head before kissing him once more. Nosing his chin to the side to leave a trail of searing kisses down his throat, his chest, stopping to slowly lap at one dusky nipple before continuing his path downward. He feels hot moist breath on his navel and a wet open-mouthed kiss on his hip before those fingertips pull at the waistband of his underwear.

A light blush touches his cheeks as he is fully exposed to the other. Breath coming out shaky, he lifts his eyes to the others adoring gaze.

They release a shuddering breath of their own. "You grew up so beautiful, Sasuke." he says.

Sasuke clamps his eyes shut, face hot, and takes another deep breath, only to release it in a loud wonton moan as his hard length is enveloped in slick heat. He looks down to see identical eyes staring back at him. No doubt drinking in the sight of him losing himself to the sensation. He reaches down to sift his fingers through long silk and pulls the tie from their hair. Fingers tightening suddenly, throwing his head back to the bed as a hard suck to the head and a tongue to his weeping slit send pleasure coursing through is being.

He only vaguely registers a slick finger run along the tight furl of muscle between his legs until it breeches and slides inside. He keens at the feeling and realizes he's begging. For more. To keep going. To not stop, please god don't stop. Another finger enters him, spreads him, prepares him for what is only inevitable at this point. The mouth leaves his aching cock and trails a wet string up his stomach before another kiss tries to devour him whole.

A third finger is pressed into him, and he hisses as his lust addled brain finally realizes the slight discomfort of the stretch. Words of comfort, of praise, telling him he's perfect, he's doing so well, leave him blushing, moaning as those fingers continue to move, continue to prepare him for what's to come.

After another moment, those fingers retreat and Sasuke opens his eyes as the other leans back, opens his only remaining article of clothing and pulls out his aching cock. Sasuke eyes the hard length, vaguely wondering again what he's doing here, as he watches the other slick up himself up and kneel back on the bed. Pulling Sasuke's legs up and out, he lines himself up, and begins the slow push in. Sasuke gasps as the head of his cock slides in past the tight ring. Hands come to rest on either side of his head as the other leans forward to support his weight, panting as he slowly pushes forward.

It seems like a lifetime before he bottoms out, they lie against one another catching their breath, feeling each other against them. Before that hard length is pulling out once more, and sliding back in before it left completely. They both moan at the feeling, the friction of skin against skin, flesh against flesh.

He does it again and again, over and over till Sasuke is a babbling mess. Barely able to form words, past the moans. Just a litany of.

"Oh god!"


"Oh fuck!"

"Please! Please! Please!"

What he's begging for he isn't a hundred percent sure, but he knows he doesn't want this to end. The feeling of being filled again and again, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, his moans now borderline screams, and the others pleasure filled groans. He could live in this state of bliss forever. But he can feel the pleasure pooling in his lower stomach and knows he's not going to last much longer. The other continues to drive into him, harder and harder, slowly losing rhythm as they too near their impending release.

He clings to the other as their movements become sloppy, as their moans hitch, and breath shudders and pants. His orgasm builds, up, up, up, till it almost seems too much. His begging has grown more incessant, barely aware of what he's saying...

"I'm so close..."


"Nii-san, please!"

"Don't stop!"

"Please don't stop!"

...before it hits him full force. His orgasm washing over him in waves, as he shudders and writhes beneath the other. Nails scraping across his brother's back and down his sides, as his release spreads over his stomach. He is only just aware of his brother cursing and jerking against him as he follows with an orgasm of his own.

They lie there for a few moments catching their breath before Itachi raises his head from the crook of his shoulder to look at him. He smooths the hair away from his face before he leans in to press his forehead against Sasuke's.

"I will always love you, Sasuke."

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