1: Artichokes

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Putting the last bin in the basement, Nic came upstairs to find her family had completely scattered once they finished moving all her dorm stuff inside.

She Sat at the counter and looked around the silent house. How could a family of five manage to be so quiet? It was five o'clock, usually everyone was coming home and hanging out as dinner was starting to be planned and made.

Getting up, she headed toward the door and picked up a set of car keys from the blue glass blown bowl she made in highschool next to the door to the garage.

She opened the door and pressed the button on the wall just outside it which opened the big garage door.

The garage opened to the driveway where her fathers pickup truck sat, parked and waiting for her.

He must've taken her car out, as he always drove it when she wasn't around. He liked driving it, it was a coupe that honestly reminded Nic of driving a go kart so it made sense to her.

She knew her dad would definitely not like that she took his truck out but she didn't care, he left her no choice.

She drove, speeding past the 45 speed limit signs at 60, letting the wind from the open windows ruffle her freshly washed curly hair.

Her music blasted from the speakers, until her phone ringing interrupted the melody.

"Yeah?" She asked, waiting for a response.

"Dude," her friends voice came from the speaker, "when are you gonna get here?"

"Oh my god," she chuckled, "I literally just got back from school and you people are already asking when I'm gonna get to your goddamn bonfire? Give me a minute. It's family dinner tonight since the whole family is back home now."

Her friend playfully groaned, "Fine. See you when you decide to show up."

Rolling her eyes Nic smiled to herself. She was the last of her friends to get back home from college, so naturally her friends have already been hanging out without her.

She loved school and all, but it was nice to get away from it for a while. Her school friends were great but so were her home friends. It was like living two separate lives, one being a break from the other where she can breathe and be someone else.

Her small town in New Jersey was a stark contrast of the city her college sat in, winding forrested roads and big houses rather than tall buildings and gridded streets.

Driving was one of her favorite things to do. She drive in to town and pulled up at the Acme.

She always joked that the Acme was the only interesting thing about her town with her friends back at school. It wasn't really, it was just a place to run into literally everyone you know in town.

Humming along to the song playing even as it cut off when she pulled the key from the ignition, she got out of the truck and walked into the store.

It wasn't super busy, which was nice. On her way in she grabbed a basket by the door. She didn't need much.

Checking the list she wrote in her notes app as her mom was listing off everything she needed, Nic looked up at the aisle signs.

Turning down the pasta aisle she saw a kid from highschool. Someone she used to be friends with.

He spotted her and gave a short wave.

She waved back, glancing over at the boxes of pasta lining the shelves.

"How's school been?" He asked, taking his gaze away from the sauces.

"Really good," she answered, "I love it there, its really fun and I love being in the city. How's it been for you?"

"Good," he nodded, "definitely glad I ended up there."

Nic smiled back and nodded. She had no idea where he went. For some reason she could never remember where everyone ended up. A lot of kids would go to a nearby college so it was a safe assumption but she still felt the need to ask. It didn't help that he wasn't wearing any merch. "Sorry I always forget where everyone goes, where do you go again?"

"Ah I go to Wilson," he answered, "I get it, I always forget to."

Nic nodded, wondering how he knew until she realized she was wearing a hoodie with her school on it.

"It was nice seeing you," he told her as he started to leave the aisle.

"Yeah," she replied with a wave, "you too."

Turning her attention back to the shelf of pasta, she grabbed the one her mom asked for.

She didn't have bad blood with pretty much any of her old friends, except for like two but it was just stale drama at that point and she was tired of having to think of it when she was in town.

They were just everywhere. Everywhere she went there was a memory attached.

Don't think about them, she mentally scolded herself, it doesn't matter. That's old news, you're living your life. Its literally dust in the wind.

Nic grabbed an extra box just in case and put them in the basket, walking out the aisle to go find the other items on the list.

She had pretty much gotten through the list but she couldn't find one thing. No matter how many times she looked at the aisles she just couldn't find it.

Searching the shelves she took a step back for a better view, when she accidentally stepped back into somebody looking at the opposite shelf.

"I'm so sorry-" she turned around to find a girl about her age. She didn't know her, at least she didn't think so.

"No it's-" the girl turned to look at Nic. She frowned, surveying Nic as she twirled the end of her wavy hair.

"Uh I was-" Nic glanced at the shelf, "I was just looking for uh-"

Nic looked at the list, "artichokes. Like the ones in the jar, but I just can't find them... I swear they were here-"

The girl raised her eyebrows and nodded along, following along with confusion.

Nic awkwardly cleared her throat. Somehow she knew the girl. Her face was so familiar but so not familiar...

"I feel like I know you from somewhere," the girl said, studying Nic's face.

"I-" Nic nodded, "Me too."

"Anyways," she looked away, glancing at her phone, "I have to go, uh I hope you find what you were looking for..."

"Ye-" Nic watched her leave, "Yeah..."

Turning back to the shelf she felt heat rise to her face, good thing the girl was gone now so she couldn't see how embarrassing pink her face probably was.

Finally spotting what she was looking for, Nic plucked it off the shelf and placed it in the basket.

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