another a/n about the new thing

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I've actually been working on the new thing and I love it (until I inevitably forget about it)

So I thought I would at least post something about it to really motivate myself bc knowing real humans other than myself and whoever google assigned to stalk my docs (if they actually do that bc that would be scary af) makes me more likely to stick with things bc then I feel bad if I drop off the face of the earth with it

On another note I'm studying abroad this summer sooooo if I fall off the face of the earth again it's prob bc I'm living my best life

ANYWAYS here's the deal:
This next one is based off tarot. The fact that the minor arcana is four separate stories/journeys is super interesting to me and I decided to write something based off those four stories and how they can interact. So this new one follows the four suits so have fun guessing which one is which, and get ready for some killer sapphic pining because if you know about tarot, you know there are some SAD cards in it. Yes I already have fav characters I get attached so easily.

Im not gonna like outright tell y'all what chapters go with what cards, why would I make it that easy for you??


Guests danced in the middle of the floor, in a flurry of colorful dresses and music. Flowers draped over the ball, hanging from the ceiling, wrapping around the columns, and standing in large colorful arrangements.

Long tables with assortments of food and drink lined the ballroom, decorated with the season's finest harvest and blossoms.

The princess stood by the front of the room, watching the festivities. She could see her mother speaking to a man about her age, dressed in a tailored suit.

His hungry gaze landed on her and he gave a smile and a respectful nod.

Pursing her lips she gave him a short nod back, the princess then began toward the outskirts of the party. She went right out the large doors into the garden.

She wandered further and further, until the music was a distant memory and she was lost in the perfectly manicured shrubbery.

The only eyes that were able to prey on her now were the crickets that sang from their hiding places in the plants, having replaced the orchestral masterpieces with nature's songs.

Her hand met one of many pink flowers that had bloomed from the hedges, and she plucked it from its branch.

"Your highness," a voice came from behind her, "it isn't advisable to be out here alone right now."

The princess turned around.

Her guard stood there in her finely tailored uniform, with her hands behind her back.

The princess began to close the distance between them, taking slow meticulous steps.

Stepping closer and closer to her, the princess chuckled, "but I'm not alone, am I?"

"No," she replied, having to look up to meet the princesses' gaze, "I guess you're not."

"I can trust you to protect me," the princess raised a challenging brow and grinned, "right?"

The guard met the princesses' challenging gaze.

A breeze blew past them, rustling the leaves of the lush greenery that surrounded them. The greenery that relieved the princess of the eyes on her. Hidden away from the princes and noblemen hunting her down.

For a moment the sounds of the crickets and cicadas ceased and there was nothing except the silence between the two of them.

The princess awaited her answer, itching to her the low growl of her guards voice so close to her.

"I will always protect you," the guard's voice was low and steady, "your highness."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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