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Hey to the like 6 people who consistently read this, sorry I accidentally abandoned lol

I have an idea for something new but it'll DEF take a long ass time to be anywhere near ready to start releasing and it's not anything like this one and idek if I'm acc gonna go through with it it might sit in my docs forever if I even write it

I might keep up with this one, but I'm only a half chapter ahead of what's out currently soooo yeah

Part of my problem was that it was turning out to be WAYY shorter and much quicker pace than I initially wanted, which was leaving out things I wanted in it but that's all bc I'm a lazy planner and didn't flesh and plan out enough so, entirely my fault

I'm also taking hella classes this term at school (I mean taking the max amount of credits I can) so idk if any of this will actually happen

Thanks to the few of you who actually stuck through, and maybe I'll get around to my 3am writes and actually finish this one

It might be a shitty rushed ending OR a longer ending with the rest of what I wanted in it, you'll never know and I don't think I will either (yet)

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