Part 4 (End)

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So..This is the end. This has been an interesting book to write, it will always be a part of my little fanfiction-loving heart as this is my first book I've ever written. I'm thankful for all the kind readers who added my book to their libraries and reading lists, voted on each chapter and left encouraging words that really helped me pull through with completing this book. Although being 4 parts I expected it to be extremely easy but I swear I won't underestimate writing a book again. This was very hard for me especially as a non experienced writer who watched YouTube tutorials to figure out how to write and stuff.

I will always love this book from the bottom of my heart no matter how cringe I'll personally deem it be after a few years when I look back on it.
I hope you all will enjoy this book the same.

You know the drill,

This is a fanfiction, so any circumstances in this book is fairly fictional. This book is not intended to promote any actions shown in the book.

Viewer discretion advised.

One month later

"Hia, can you come with me to pick out a dress for a date?" Nuengdiao asked casually while he scrolled through Instagram, conspicuously stopping on one photo of a woman that Nuengdiao knew and Palm didn't. Palm spat out the glass of water he was drinking. "The fuck? A date!?" He exclaimed, Nuengdiao looked up, chuckling at the older males expression. "Yeah, let's go to the mall together. I can't pick a dress myself." Nuengdiao continued, letting a small smile tug at his lips. He paused, noticing the extremely obvious dark aura coming from Palm. His eyes grew dark as his eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched with his fingers gripping onto the glass. Palm just shook away most of his dark aura instantly by flashing a grin and nodding.

"I better get free food out of this!" Palm shouted as he went to change out of his shorts. Nuengdiao's eyebrows were furrowed. In the 3-4 years he's been with Palm, he had never seen that expression on him before. He looked scary, Nuengdiao shook his thoughts off as he changed out of his PJ's and got on his bike. Palm came soon after, hopping onto the bike, they sped away to the mall. Palm's personality felt off, atleast to Nuengdiao. He was spacing out and definitely not listening to what he was saying. Sometimes he could notice the angry expressions come back. They kept looking for the perfect outfits in four shops. Eventually deciding that they will definitely choose an outfit at the fifth shop. Palm strolled around with Nuengdiao as he looked through racks of expensive clothing.

Soon Palm found an outfit he couldn't keep his eyes off of. It was an expensive looking suit, of course Palm forgetting all about how he hated the idea of Nuengdiao going on a date picked the suit up and rushed to Nuengdiao. "Wear this! Try it on!" He spoke excitedly. Nuengdiao smiled as he gave it to man beside him. "Pack this, oh and this too." Nuengdiao picked up a suit that was a bit more larger than his size.
"That's too big na? Pick something smaller. It won't fit you." Palm remarked. "I know." Nuengdiao responded succinctly. Palm shrugged as they walked outside to a food court.

Palm was holding the bags, following behind Nuengdiao. He set his bags on the seat beside him as he sat opposite of Nuengdiao. "I'll have a spicy Khao Soi, and he'll have Tom Yum, don't add green onions to it." Palm spoke to the waiter. Nuengdiao raised his eyebrow, "You really remember that?" He spoke a bit incredulously. Palm looked confused, "Remember what?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. "Green onions."
Palm curved his lips to an 'O' shape as he grinned widely. "Of course I would."
He said, still grinning. Casually letting his hands find way to Nuengdiao's own, holding his hands gently, perhaps out of habit. Nuengdiao felt his heart skip a beat, "Hia." Nuengdiao strongly spoke. His face heating up with a slight blush creeping up his face, ears and neck.

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