Chapter 3

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"P' Kom," Lop's wailing voice sounded after Lop was ordered to wash all the cars inside Kamol's house because Kamol already knew that Lop had had a fight at the university. Kamon then punished Lop to wash all the cars inside and out clean causing Lop to collapse because there were a total of 5 cars parked in the garage, excluding 4 other motorcycles .

"Can't help it," Kom said sarcastically.

"Do I really have to wash every single car?" Lop asked.

"Well, next time you won't have to disobey your orders again. You'll understand why he punished you," Kom said back, his face slightly upturned.

"Understood," Lop replied.

"Or do you want to trade with some other work? Then how about helping me with Clemo and whipped cream instead of me and Ai' Day?" Kom pretended to ask back. Lop shook his head immediately.

"I'd rather wash the car," Lop hurriedly replied, causing Kom to laugh lightly before turning to look around.

"So where did your two lovers disappear to?" Kom asked, causing Lop to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"What love, P' Kom? What are you talking about?" Lop said back with a slight smile.

"It's a stupid business. Just like I love you. Isn't it normal cause we have to see each other until we are almost always together? " Kom asked back, causing Lop to remember that since he left Kamol's office after being called in to inquire about a fight. Lop did not see his two friends at all. Kit and Ruj were not punished because Lop pleaded guilty alone. Lop had told both his friends not to accept for themselves which Kit and Ruj did as Lop asked.

"That's right. They're probably busy doing their job. Sigh! I think I'd better wash the car first. I don't know when it will be finished." Lop grumbled softly before going to prepare the car wash equipment.

. . . . . .

"Are you sure?" Kamol's voice said to two young male subordinates who had come to stand and beg him for something.

"Yes, both of us are wrong for not knowing how to dissuade it. So we want to accept the punishment as well." Ruj spoke up. Kamol looked at the two of them blankly.

"Fine, I want you to go help Lop." Kamol said, knowing full well that Kit and Ruj wanted to help their friend wash the car.

"Thank you sir, " Kit and Ruj said in unison before walking out of Kamol's office. Then they went straight to Lop who was washing the car in the front yard.

"Let me do it, " Ruj said as he walked over to Lop who was fetching water to wash the car. Kit went to pull the hose in the corner of the garden. Ruj walked to pick up a bucket of car wash liquid.

"Hey, how are you guys going to help me? I was punished alone. As soon Khun Kamol comes out and sees it, you'll be hit even harder." Lop shouted out immediately.

"No ranting. He called us in just now. He ordered us to help you wash all the cars as a punishment for not being able to stop you," Ruj quoted because he didn't want Lop to be angry about the two going in to help ease the punishment.

"Are you sure, why didn't you tell me from the beginning? " Lop asked in disbelief before turning to look at Kit.

"Um, we just remembered, " Kit replied shortly before walking to wash another car with normal soap as not to let Lop ask too much. Lop looked at both of his friends. But Kit and Rut didn't have show any suspicious behaviour.

"Well, it's good to help me clean up a bit. If I wash alone, I don't know when I'll finish it." Lop said in a soft voice before the three friends helped each other to wash all the cars.

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