Chapter 4

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Lop looked at his two friends with a frown.

"Why are you giving it to me? It's not mine," said Lop in a slightly turbulent voice.

“I'm giving it to you. So It's yours now. " Ruj said with a smile.

“But those people intended to give it to the two of you. Then you both are passing it to me. Doesn't it look a bit ugly? If they knew, how would they feel? " Lop asked back, sounding tensed.

“Why do you think so much? The two of us didn't pay attention to the person who brought the things for us, " Kit said back after some time.

“If you don't care, why did you take it?” Lop asked annoyed.

“If you don't accept it, it will be a waste of kindness to people who give it to you. Think of it as customary giving. People who give them just expect us to receive. They didn't expect us to think anything serious about them," Ruj continued.

“But they probably secretly hoped that the two of you would think something about them, ” Lop continued to claim.

"So what? The person gave me the gift. If I accept it, does that mean I have to like it? It's my right whether to like or dislike anyone. My feelings are not dependent on what other people give me. If you think like this I'm going to return all my stuff so that there will be no problem, " Kit said getting serious. Until Ruj had to lightly pat Kit's shoulder.

"Calm down, idiot," said Ruj. Lop sat quietly.

“You don't have to think too much about it, Lop. The 3 of us are friends. Whatever we have, it's like your stuff. We always have something to share, right?” Ruj said in a normal voice.

“Yes it is,” Lop said softly while the two friends sat looking at each other's faces.

“Excuse me.” A young man's voice interrupted. Kit, Lop and Ruj turned to look in the direction of the sound and saw a handsome young man who looked like a student standing, holding a bouquet of flowers and a large bag in hand

“What is it?” Kit asked in a calm voice. But the young man did not show any panic or fear but just send a friendly smile to Kit and Ruj only.

“I brought some things for you,” said the tall man along with offering a large bouquet of flowers and a large bag to Lop making lop's mouth wide open in shock.

“To me?” Lop immediately asked back.

"Yes, please accept it. I just want to give this to you. My name is Win. I'm study in the Faculty of Engineering, " the other person finished introducing himself.

"I am a man," Lop said quickly.

“Yes, I didn't expect anything. I just want to be your friend cause I saw Lop as a nice person. So l want to know you more, " Win said with a smile.

“Did your friends buy flowers for each other?” Kit immediately asked back.

"Oh, let's be friends by buying Masen's stuff, " Ruj said before pulling the bag in Win's hand to open it. As for Kit, he pulled the bouquet and flipped it around.

"Idiots, he didn't bring it to Jensen. I'm not dead. My mouth is very bad. You guys better bring it here, " Lop said to his friend before seizing the things in Ruj's hand and the flowers in Kit's hand to hold for himself. Although it's strange that guys buy these things for Valentine's Day . But Lop was glad that someone brought it for him especially.

“Anyway, thank you very much. I'll consider you buying it for me as a new friend." Lop said, blocking the way up first. Win smiled a little.

“Thank you for accepting me as a friend. I won't bother you anymore. I'll see you later." Win said politely before turning to smile at Kit and Ruj and walked away. Kit and Ruj felt annoyed and dissatisfied with Win.

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