You are not my Romeo

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As we're on the bus heading to the arena, I feel eyes on me knowing damn well who it is. But I ignore the feeling.

"He keeps on staring at you, want me to tell him something?" Luna asks.

"Thanks but no, it'll just cause more drama" I say as I distract myself by looking out the window into the sunset.

The bus finally comes to a stop and we are here at the arena. I carefully step off the bus since I have heels on and I take in the scenery of the old monument. Mrs. Penny hands out our tickets and we enter the building.

As I'm walking up the steep rock steps, I suddenly lose my balance and I quickly grab onto Luna's arm. Before I go falling back, a hand is placed on my back to stop me from falling. I sigh out of relief and when I stand up straight again, I turn around to see Jason and the two other boys with him.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

Luna quickly goes infront of me and puts her arm between me and Jason.

"Don't talk to her" She sternly says to him.

"Luna I just want to-" He says but Luna cuts him off.

"You've done more than enough to her, let's go girls" She says and we turn back around.

We go up a few more steps and finally sit down. Jason and his friends sit a few rows down from us. The play is going to start soon so I just talk with the girls and wait.


We were now halfway into the play and I was loving everything. The scenery, the props, and the outfits. Everything was just beautiful.

We were on the scene where Tybalt kills Mercutio and then Romeo kills Tybalt. I always thought that scene was overwhelming, two deaths happening in seconds.

As more time passes on we get on to the scene where Romeo discovers Juliet is "dead" and he kills himself. Then Juliet takes the dagger to her chest and stabs herself. While reading this in school, I nearly cried. It showed me that Romeo and Juliet's love for each other was stronger than anyone could ever imagine.

The play finally comes to an end and me and the girls get up and go down the steps and out of the arena. We got on to the bus and Mrs. Penny does a headcount and once she knows that everybody is there, we head back to the hotel.

I lean my head against the window and nearly fall asleep but can't because of the bumpy road. However, I see the hotel up ahead and I gather my things once the bus makes a stop. I suddenly hear a ping on my phone, coincidentally everyone else's phones pings as well, and I see that it's a notification from Instagram that someone tagged me. I look at the username and see that it's Brandon's.

Why would he be tagging me?

I opened up the post and I feel my heart drop.

Latest news: Popular jock Jason and nerd Ariana are dating!

My body shakes as I see that Brandon has posted several pictures of me and Jason kissing and being together. There's pictures of us making out under the bleachers at school, me going into Jason's house, a there's a photo of me and Jason kissing on the balcony when we were at Juliet's house, and pictures from our date a few nights ago.

"Oh shit" Is what I hear Luna say.

I look up to see everyone staring at me and I quickly turn around see Jason looking down at his phone and slowly looking up to meet my eyes.

"Yo is this true?" I hear one student say.

I expect Jason to say something but he doesn't, he's silent.

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