Chapter 29

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POV: none
Fixer's car pulls up, parked at the front door of the apartment building. He's asleep, sitting in the driver's seat with the first aid kid next to him. His belt and bandage have managed to stifle the bleeding from the knife wound enough to survive, but he's still low on blood and damaged. He lies still, with the tinted windows of his car keeping him out of sight. He sighs raggedly, as he breathing is unstable. He hasn't realized that the wound he covered isn't fully closed, or that the blood loss is dangerous. If left alone, he'll never get the chance to. But lucky for him, his savior has arrived- a large black van, with dark tinted windows; The signature transport of Idols.

POV: Rei
We climb out of the van, and I yawn. I'm really tired for some reason. There's another car parked out in the drive through, which is odd. There's not usually any other cars here. I see Wonyoung walk closer, probably checking it out. It's a fancy car.
"Hey, does this look familiar?" She asks as she walks closer, and I follow her. It does look familiar, I agree.
"Yeah, it kinda does, Unnie."  I walk up, and lean in towards the window. As I do, the manager drives off, to drop off the van and go home for the night. The window is black, blocking my vision, but then I hear a whirring noise. I step back, and suddenly the window clears. I can't help but shriek, seeing fixer, bloody and unconscious in the driver's seat. The others rush over, and Gaeul pulls open the door. The car chirps, then a computer voice says,
"Fixer is injured. Under no circumstances can he be taken to a hospital."
"But why not?" Asks Yujin, and there's no reply. Gaeul leans in, and looks at him.
"I don't see anything that's deadly. Let's take him inside." She grabs Fixer's shoulders, and begins pulling him out of the car. Yujin and Wonyoung both grab one of his arms, and we begin to haul him inside.

Timeskip: two minutes
They sit Fixer down on the couch, and Hyunseo walks up with a box.
"This was in his car, it's a first aid kit." She puts it on the coffee table, and I open it to look inside. There's a lot of stuff, but I don't really know what all of it is.
"Can we... take off his shirt?" Yujin asks, nervously. Gaeul replies,
"How else are we supposed to help him? Leeseo, take the stuff off his arms. Liz, please put all those weapons somewhere." Yujin pulls his shirt up over his head, and gasps a little bit. I look over, and I can't tell if she was gasping at his abs or the huge bloody bandage on his side. He has nice abs, but now isn't the time to pay attention to that. Gaeul starts working away, grabbing a bunch of bandages and other things to cover the big scar on his stomach. I look away, avoiding the blood, because it bothers me. I start picking up the stuff Hyunseo's been setting on the seat, and carry over to the table. There's a lot of strange stuff, guns, knives, something kinda like a cell phone, and some rope. I keep pilling it uo, making it look neat. Gaeul is still working with the first aid kit, and Liz is calling the manager and telling him what happened.

When I come back, I see Yujin is leaning against him, and Gaeul is standing still, panting.
"Alright, I fixed the bleeding one. Can you help me with all these small ones?" She asks, looking at me.
"Alright. What do I need to do, Unnie?" She hands me a swab, and says,
"Pass that glass bottle. Get a bit on a swab, then clean off each place he's got bloody spots. Then put one of these over it." She says, grabbing a pack of bandaids. I come and take a seat on the coffee table, and start tapping at a cut on his forehead. There's a streak of blood coming from it, so I grab a wet napkin and try cleaning it off. It clears up, and I cover up the small cut. Then I keep going, seeing a long scratch up his arm. He shifts his arm, and I flinch back. I see on the other side of arm, a massive bruise, red and purple and kinda swollen.
"What do I do about this?" I ask, pointing at it. Yujin looks down, then turns her head.
"Wonyoung! Grab a few ice packs."
"Okay!" She shouts back, and walks to the kitchen and grabs some bags. She brings them over, and I take them and place one on his bruise. It's almost not large enough to cover it, but it's close enough. I grab my swab again, and start cleaning another small bloody spot. Looking over his chest, I see a lot of small marks, mostly like small scars. There's a few places where there are lines, almost like there's something under his skin. I poke on, but it doesn't feel any different. It just looks like there's seams along his skin. I move my finger a little lower, and poke at his muscles. He's not skinny, but everything he has seems to be muscle. His abs are still easily visible though, and they're firm.
"Hands off!" Gaeul says, scolding me. "Don't be a pervert." I raise my hands, defending myself.
"I'm just curious, there's nothing bad about it."
"Sure." She says, raising an eyebrow. She puts down her swab, and covers one last scratch. "I think that's all we can do for now, at least until he wakes up. Let's go to bed." I'm a little surprised at her next suggestion.
"Is that a good idea? Shouldn't someone stay out here to watch him?" She shrugs.
"I don't think anything will happen to him. At least, nothing we can help with. He seems sturdy." She says nonchalantly. I'm not sure if I agree, but I'm starting to feel how tired I really am.
"I guess. Let's go to bed." I walk towards my bedroom, and she follows. Everyone disperses, leaving Y/N, passed out on the couch, still slightly bloody and shirtless.

POV: Leeseo
I hope he wakes up. It's the first thing that comes to mind when I walk back out and see him asleep on the couch. He's still kinda bloody, so I walk over to the kitchen and grab a washcloth, and get it wet. Bringing it back over, I begin to wipe off his stomach, slowly cleaning up everything. As I'm wiping him, I notice he feels really cold. Odd. Liz comes up behind me, and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey." She says, softly.
"Hey, Unnie." I reply.
"What's up?"
"I'm just thinking."
"What are you thinking about?" She says, while she sits down next to me on the table.
"Do you think he'll be okay?" I ask. I don't know much about doctors and medical things, so I don't really know.
"I think so. None of his wounds were too deep. He'll sleep a lot, but he'll wake up tomorrow. Why?" I knew she was going to ask. It's a little odd being open with my feelings, but the others always say it's good for me and for them, so I try to be honest.
"I don't want the last thing I said to him to be something that hurt him." Liz looks at me thoughtfully.
"You really care about him." She diagnoses.
"It's not that. I mean, I guess I care, but that's not why I'm asking."
"So why are you asking, Hyunseo?" I gather my thoughts, and lay them out to view.
"He's done a lot for us. And we haven't really paid him back. I want to give back for how much time and effort he's spent supporting us." Liz takes the rag, and takes a turn washing. He's almost clean now, there's very little blood stains left.
"That's very mature of you. And honest. I'm proud of you, you know that? You're becoming really wise nowadays. So, just-" she pauses for a moment. "Even if he does die here, or if he doesn't, remember that all this effort, he went through to make us happy. So he wouldn't want you to be unhappy because of him. Ok?" I nod, and rest my head on her shoulder.
"Ok. Should we go to bed now?" She smiles.
"Let's go to sleep." We stand up, and separate as we walk to our rooms.

A/N- short update because I was busy doing one shots.

Shoutout to ilovefemaleidols who's currently in the hospital. Get well soon, my friend.

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