Chapter 44

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POV: None
(Same hybrid POV again)

The car pulls up, and the two step out of the car. As it pulls away, Y/N steps up next to Rei as they walk down the open walkway.
"I've been to this complex a few times. Never actually gone into the museum, though." He says, sounding cheerful. He glances over his shoulder for a moment, and nods. Rei smiles, blinking as her eyes adapt to the bright sun.
"You like art museums?" She asks; prying subtly.
"Somewhat." He replies, very vaguely. "I tend to only visit them once. After that, j don't need to go again." Rei shakes her head.
"That's silly. I love going to museums. The calm, quiet air just helps me clear my head." She nods, thinking for a moment. "I actually went to an art museum when I decided to be an idol. I went there and thought about it, and decided to go to Korea." As they walk through the door, Y/N responds,
"I get what you mean. I was actually at an art museum when I decided to move to Seoul. I had been living in Berlin at the time, and just wanted to live somewhere more... lively."
"Berlin is cool." As they walk up towards the ticket check, Y/N looks at the person standing there.
"I'm free to enter." He gestures calmly towards the computer screen, and it flashes green, with an affirming beep. The man standing there looks back, confused, but grants them entry. Glancing back at her, he asks, "by the way- you're from..." he passes for a split second. "Nagoya, right?" She nods, smiling a little.
"Yeah, outer Nagoya. Thanks." He shrugs.
"You don't have much of an accent for being Japanese raised. You must have spent a long time speaking Korean." He changes to Japanese, for fun.
"I was trained by a lot of Korean speakers. I only have a Japanese accent when speaking Japanese, I change to Korean when I speak that."
"And English?" He asks, swapping languages.
"I talk like both." She responds, chuckling.  He smirks, hearing her somewhat chaotic accent.
"Spreche zu Deutsche?" he asks, and Rei glances. "German." She nods.
"I think three is plenty for me." Rei turns left, and Y/N follows, into an exhibit hall of old relics. The many pieces of pottery and metalwork fill the room, as the soft lighting bathes the room in a warm glow. Rei wanders slowly, gazing at each small piece of history. Y/N seems disinterested.
"Personally, I prefer more.... Inspired pieces. These are history, which is good to keep. But the knowledge you gain, is factual. Real art, that which is inspired by imagination and not necessity, that will give you more every time you see it." He finishes his sentence, and twitches his head, a little surpassed at how much he said.
'Guess I have more to say than I thought about it.'
"I get it. These are fun, but yeah, you only need to see it once." Rei begins walking forward, into the next room. Y/N follows, glancing behind him for a moment. They wander the halls of the museum, past artifacts of distant times. Y/N skims his eyes across each one, brushing them aside afterwards. Rei watches each one with curiosity, seeing each one as a small piece of a massive historical tapestry.

As they walk out of the first building, Y/N stretches his shoulders, while Rei reads a sign, and points across the plaza.
"They're holding a show in there, should be starting soon. Would you like to go?" Y/N glances, and nods.
"Sure. What kind of show?"
"It's a play, based on a poem." He nods.
"I enjoy those." They walk together. A man walks past, glancing at Rei as he crosses paths with her. Y/N watches him, and his eyes seem to notice her, then sliding to him. It only takes a moment for Fixer's hand to slide inside his jacket, and the man instantly glances away. Fixer releases the grip of his sidearm, and move back up alongside Rei.

As they walk into the dark theater, the show has already started. Y/N steps towards the back, taking a seat in one of the rear rows as Rei sits beside him.
"This looks interesting." He whispers.
"I agree." She whispers back. Y/N pulls out a small tablet, pulling up a dim screen on it as he types something down. Rei watches the show, as the actors silently depict Inanna, the Queen of Heaven. The narrator recites the poem as they enact these scenes. Y/N hands Rei the tablet, taping it for her to read.
'So I have to ask- why pick me to take you to the museum?' She winces slightly, she was hoping he wouldn't ask. Instead, she begins typing. On stage, the actors show Inanna falling from heaven, cast down to the Underworld, the land which no traveler returns from. Rei hands back the tablet.
'The others were busy.' Y/N pauses, glancing at her.
'Are you sure?' He asks, pressing softly.
'No, they weren't.' He thinks to himself, recalling that she could have had someone else bring her. Upon the stage, the actors show Inanna, shedding her heavenly garments and jewelry as she descends into the underworld.
Rei glances at Y/N, a little uncertain, before typing back.
'I was also curious what you'd think about the art.' He takes it back, and nods, satisfied, as he reads it.
'I'm flattered.' He writes back. Ereshkigal, Queen of the undead, forces the once glorious Inanna to humble herself as she approaches the throne. Rei and Y/N watch the play for a few moments, before Y/N writes again. 'So how do you find time for art, between all your idol work?'
'It's difficult. I tend to go about once a month to a new place, especially if we're traveling.'
'There are some amazing museums in Chicago. I would advise you to visit them.'
On stage, Inanna is slain by the deathly power of Ereshkigal. Her body is hung on a hook in the throne room, decorating the Underworld palace.
'I remember. We didn't have enough time to go last time, but next time I hope so.'
'I'm familiar with a few art collectors. I'll ask around, see if there's anyone in Seoul whose collection you can visit.' She smiles, grateful that Y/N is taking her passion seriously.
'That would be amazing.'
Up in front, Ninshubur, the aide of Inanna, descends to the Underworld to search for her. Seeing her in such trouble, he returns to Inanna's Father, the God Enki. Behind his watchful eye, he takes two Galla, formless beings, which he brings to the Underworld.
'What kind of art are you most interested in?' He writes back, curious.
'I like sculptures a lot. And decorated pottery, things like bowls and plates.'
'I'll keep that in mind.'
The formless Galla being the Food of the Heaven down, offering it to Ereshkigal. Although she does not eat it, the power of the heavenly food brings life to Inanna, bringing her back to life.
'Enjoying the play?' Y/N asks.
'It's interesting. I like the format, with the narrator and the silent actors.' Rei types out, while watching closely.
'It's cool. The story isn't to my liking, though.'
Inanna begins to travel through the underworld. As Y/N and Rei watch, she faces trials and tribulation. Ereshkigal attempts to steal away her aide Ninshubir, then her sons, even her beautician. As she repels each attempt, she sees her loved ones, dressed in sackcloth and mourning her death. After a long and difficult journey, she finally returns to Heaven, greeting her beloved. She meets her lover, Dumizi, leader of the gods. He sits upon his throne, not mourning for her. She is enraged, and calls upon the heavenly guard to sieze him. He is cast out to hell, and Inanna returns as Queen of Heaven.

"That was nice." Rei says, strolling out of the theater.
"Yeah." Y/N rolls his shoulders, tiredly. "How about we move on?" She nods.
"Let's keep going, I'm sure there's lots more to see around the complex." As we head towards the Arts College, Y/N glance across the large plaza. "Maybe you should look at going here sometime." She laughs.
"I don't think I'm quite good enough."
"No? What makes you say that?"
"I might like art, but... I can't make it very well. I don't have the hands for it, I think."
"Art schools aren't just about making art." He taps something on his wrist, reading some information. "There's a degree just about studying art, with a focus on ceramics and clay works." She looks at the tall building, suddenly in thought.
"Yeah, it's fairly good too. You could study all sorts of things." She nods, more energetic.
"Can we go inside?"
"Sure, let's go." As they walk into the atrium, a number of students walk past, talking among themselves. "You want to talk to someone about going?" She shrugs.
"I don't think it'll work out, in reality. I'm just so busy with Idol life." Y/N smiles.
"I think we can figure something out. Follow me." He walks up to the person at the desk. "I have a meeting with the dean of students, in about five minutes. Where do I go?" He seems surprised.
"Really? I didn't see you..." the attendant pulls up the calendar, and sees the appointment. "My apologies, sir. Those doors over there, take the elevators to floor five." He points across the room.
"Thank you." Y/N smiles as they walk over. "See? Easy." Rei laughs nervously.
"How did you get an appointment? Did you know we were coming here?"
"Let's just say that appointment wasn't there ten minutes ago." As they ride the elevator, Rei seems nervous.
"But what are we doing? I'm so busy with idol life, nobody will take me on!"
"Leave that to me." Y/N focuses in, rolling his shoulders and shifting his outfit. As the elevator doors open, he strolls confidently through the door to the Student Affairs offices, directly to the Dean's office.
"Hello sir. Welcome, please go in." The secretary ushers them by. Fixed takes a seat in front of the man's desk silently, as Rei bows repeatedly.
"Hello. I'm very sorry, I believe there was a computer issue. I was only informed of our meeting moments ago. Would you be so kind as to explain what we're meeting about?"
"My name is Fixer. This is Ms. Naoi."
He bows. "Honored to meet you both."
"Sir, I-" Rei takes a deep breath. "I'm interested in attending classes here. However, I'm also working full time as an idol. So my schedule is difficult." The dean frowns.
"Well, our class work is rigorous, and thorough. Without full focus, I'm not sure..." his voice trails off, as the room seems to chill. Fixed stares at him coldly, his eyes promising silent death.
"I'm sure due to Ms. Naoi's special circumstances as an already successful public figure, it would be beneficial for you if she was to attend classes here. And her connection to a major donor of the school should also be helpful." He says, a knife-edged requirement hidden behind his calm tone.
"Yes, of course! It would be helpful for our school to appeal to young people, and avoid seeming dated or irrelevant." He hurriedly shuffles papers across his desk, looking for something.
"I'm glad we agree."
"Of course. Now, here is the list of courses, each marked with the associated degrees. I can most likely find space in each class you need, so long as it fits your schedule." Rei takes the paper and begins reading.
"I'll be sure to inform her company about the scheduling requirement." The man nods.
"Once again sir, thank you for bringing your generous patronage to our school." Fixer nods as he stands up.
"And don't worry. If the schedule differences wind up being irreparable, I'll continue to support the school. I'm sure we'll be able to come to a different arrangement in such case." The man bows again, looking relieved. As the two of them walk out of the office triumphant, Rei turns.
"So do you really give money here?"
"No. But I can rename someone else's donation in my name easy enough." Rei giggles.
"I'm so excited! These classes are so cool! There's so many interesting ones, like..." Y/N tunes out a little as Rei talks about the possible classes. For a moment, he wonders if it's ethical. Or if it's a good idea to distract Rei. But then again, she's happy like this. That's what matters. "... and maybe Aegean black and orange pottery of the closing BC periods."
"Those sound pretty great. But I think it might be wise to focus on your schedule first, then pick a class." She nods.
"I know. I'll be responsible." They step out of the elevator and walk out into the main square again.
"It's going to rain soon. We should get you home."

Extra large chapter for you all. Plus a Oneshot as an apology for not posting last week. My rei character isn't very good and I'm sorry about that.

If you didn't read the oneshot, "No Rest for The Wicked" you should. It's sort of a non-cannon Fixer piece, the same character but not the same story.

Also! Please leave comments! I really thrive on those, and it helps me a lot. Even criticism is welcome anywhere you see fit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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