Ch. 28: Light in the Dark

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(Warning: Purge Crimes and more Trauma)

The door was busted down before Luz suddenly rolled across the floor, the gun was knocked out of her hand and someone was was holding down!

"NO!" A voice said, making Luz open her eyes.

"Amity?" Luz said in surprise, seeing her head cut and broken arm were healed.

"Don't even think about doing something like that!" Amity shouted at her.

She didn't know what the gun did but Amity just had a bad feeling due to the shape of it.

"Amity, let me go. you don't know-" Luz's begging was cut off.

"That doesn't mean you can just take the easy way out! What would everyone that cares about you think if you kill yourself?!" Amity shouted in her face.

"The only people that know me are the ones that are hurt because of me!" Luz said, still crying. "I've done nothing but hurt people I hate, kill people that didn't deserve it, and ruin families that will never see those people again! Everyone I ever meet gets hurt! I nearly killed Eda, one of the few people that trusted me!"

"Luz, without you, my siblings would be dead!" Amity said, reminding her of last night. "I would literally have lost the only caring family I have if it wasn't for you! You saved them!"

Suddenly, Luz recalled what she did in the library but felt different about it. In that moment, she killed Otabin not out of her own enjoyment. She killed him to protect protect Amity and her siblings. But still, Luz shook her head at the bad still outweighed the good.

"One good thing doesn't change the fact that I've killed dozens of people!" Luz said, looking away." "I've taken children from their parents! Robbed elderly people for their jewelry! I've beaten people half to death, broke their legs, and tossed their still breathing bodies into a lake!"

The Purge really did bring out the worse inside of Luz, making her a killer in every sense of the world. Even more than she originally thought from her justifications of being treated like an outsider.

"I....I can't-" Luz was drowning herself in her own tears, nearly blinded by her sorrow. "I can't possibly be forgi-"

"Then live to repent!" Amity shouted, making Luz gasp as she looked her in the eyes. "Live to repent for everything you've done! Dying now when you've just started becoming a better person won't fix anything!"

Though Luz was nearly blinded by her own tears, she could see Amity was shedding tears of her own as her grip on Luz was shaking.

"Please... don't do something like what you were about to do. You're the first real friend I've had in years." Amity said, her tears falling on Luz. "I don't want to lose you."

""But.....what if I have an episode that hurts you like I just did Eda? I don't want anymore blood on my hands." Luz said.

"Luz... I know you won't hurt me, and even if you ever do, I know you didn't mean it." Amity said, moving off of Luz and sitting next to her.

Luz remained on the floor, looking up to the ceiling as she thought about everything Amity said to her.

"Can... can you give me a minute?" Luz asked, no longer desiring to kill herself. "I need to call my mom."

Amity nodded to this as she stood up.

"I can wait outside if you want but give me all your weapons first." Amity said, drawing a spell circle and summoning an abomination.

Luz stayed quiet as nodded to Amity's request, pulling her hunting knives, her machete, and uzi from her person before handing them to the abomination as Amity claimed the revolver from the floor. They both left the room and closed the door as Luz pulled herself up, wiping away her tears as she walking to her makeshift bed and pulling out her phone.

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