Ch. 22: Wailing Fright Part 2

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Amity's face became red and she let out a squeak.

"Mittens?" Luz asked, turning towards the entrance of the children's section.

She saw two people, with dark green hair, golden eyes, and light blue uniforms.

'Twins?' Luz thought as the twins walked closer to them.

"We came here to give you your lunch but instead, we find you with a brand new friend." The boy said, holding up a pink bunny lunch bag.

"Great, got my lunch, you can leave now." Amity said.

"What? You're not going to introduce us?" The girl asked.

"Luz, Edric and Emira. Edric and Emira, Luz." Amity quickly introduced as she took her lunch. "Now you can leave."

"Mittens, that's no way to introduce your big siblings." Edric said, turning to smile at Luz. "Sorry about that, Mittens-"

"Stop calling me that in public!" Amity said, blushing again.

"Wow, someone is in a bad mood today." Emira said, holding her hands up. "Come on, relax-"

"I think she's annoyed that people that are supposed to be family are being a little rude to her." Luz said, getting between them.

"Whoa! Where did that come from?!" Edric asked in shock, taking a step back.

"Yikes, seems like she's just as uptight as Mittens." Emira said to her brother.

"Her name is Amity, not Mittens." Luz said firmly. "Now that you gave her her lunch and introduced yourselves, get out."

"Hey now, there's no need to-" Edric was cut off as Luz grabbed his shirt and pulled him close.

"I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in this room that's actually KILLED a man before... don't make me mad." Luz said, glaring at Edric.

Emira and Edric shivered from this, the latter quickly backing away from Luz upon seeing her in a new light of fear.

"Now, I don't know how you guys are around Amity and your house, you may be good siblings that just take jokes too far... but if I hear about you two doing something that will hurt her, I will not hesitate to hurt you." Luz said, reaching into her hoodie and showing her gun a bit. "Now get out."

Hearing this and feeling a pressure coming from Luz, the twins slowly backed away before running away as fast as they could.

"Well, they're dealt with." Luz said, putting her gun fully back in.

"Yeah....." Amity said, in awe of how fast her siblings were dealt with. "Can you teach me how to do that?"

"No." Luz said, shaking her head. "No I can't."

"Why?" Amity asked .

"Because that version of me is a monster." Luz said.

".....Not to me." Amity said, looking straight into Luz's eyes.

"Well, she is to me." Luz said, referring to her Purge side as its own person. "I wasn't lying when I said I was the only one in the room that has killed someone... I've killed a lot of people, not because they were evil, or because they did something wrong... I did it because I wanted to."

"I know but-" Amity was cut off.

"No, Amity. You don't. I can't help but envy this realm because it has NOTHING like the Purge in Earth." Luz said, turning around as her hair covered her eyes. "No rules, no restrictions, you can do whatever you want and just go your merry way the next day. You don't even notice the change until you truly think about what you've done and why you've done it."

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