Chapter 1.

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The warm Texas air hit you as you stepped off the plane. It had been years since you last visited Austin, but now it was your new home. Your mother had passed away a few months ago, and you had nowhere else to go. Your dad, Oscar, had remarried and had a family here, so it seemed like the natural place to be.

As you walked through the airport, you saw your dad waiting for you. You exchanged hugs and hellos, but then your dad's face turned serious.

"Listen, kiddo," he said, "I know this is a tough time for you, but things are a bit tight around here. We don't have an extra room for you, and we could really use your help around the house. We can pay you a bit, but it won't be much."

You nodded, understanding the situation. You didn't want to be a burden on them, and you needed to find a job quickly. As you walked to the car, your dad told you about his best friend, Joel Miller, who had recently lost his daughter.

"I know you've never met him," your dad said, "but he's a good guy. He could use some company, and maybe you could help him out a bit. He's got a spare room, and he said you could crash there for a while."

You were hesitant. You didn't know this Joel guy, and you didn't want to impose on him either. But you didn't have many options, and it was better than being homeless.

As you arrived at your dad's house, you were greeted by the excited faces of your younger siblings. "You're finally here!" your little sister, Emma, exclaimed as she gave you a tight hug and then you went for your brother Leo. Emma was about to turn 12, whereas Leo was 7. Although you were 27, you loved spending time with them and playing whatever games they had in mind.

Elvira, your stepmom, greeted you with a warm smile and a hug. "We're so glad you're here," she said. "It's been too long since we've seen you."

You couldn't help but feel a bit awkward, as you had spent most of your life in New York with your mother, but you tried your best to be friendly and open.

After dinner, your dad drove you to Joel's place. As you arrived, you couldn't help but notice the unkempt appearance of the house. The front yard was overgrown with weeds, and the windows were dirty.

Your dad knocked on the door, and a tall, broad man opened it. He had a scruffy beard and a sad smile, but there was no denying that he was extremely handsome. His dark hair with streaks of grey was slightly messy, and his deep honey eyes seemed to look right through you.

"Hey, Oscar," he said, greeting your dad with a hug. "Good to see you, man."

Your dad introduced you, and Joel's smile faded a bit as he looked at you. "Hey," he said shortly.

As you stepped inside, you noticed the mess. Empty alcohol bottles were scattered on the coffee table, and there were dirty dishes piled up in the sink. The walls were adorned with pictures of a young girl with curly hair, and it was clear that it was his daughter, Sarah, whom your dad had mentioned before.

"Excuse the mess," Joel said, noticing your look of disapproval. "I haven't been keeping up with things lately."

The smell of alcohol lingered in the air, and you could sense the sadness in the house.

As Joel made coffee, your dad asked, "How have you been holding up?"

Joel's face fell a little. "It's been tough," he admitted.

You could sense the weight of his words and felt a pang of sympathy for him. You decided to try and make small talk. "What kind of music do you like?" you asked, noticing the collection of records.

Joel's face lit up a bit at your question. "Oh, I love jazz," he said, putting on a record. "I used to play trumpet in a band back in the day."

The music filled the room, and you could see Joel visibly relax. As he talked about his love for music, you could see a spark of life return to his eyes.

As it got late, your dad said goodbye, and you settled into the spare room. It was small but cozy, with a single bed and a dresser. You were grateful for the place to stay, but you knew you needed to find a job and get back on your feet. You thought about your mom and how much you missed her. But you also felt a sense of hope. Maybe this new chapter in your life would bring new

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