Chapter 8.

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A/N: Fluffly fluff

As you worked in the garden, you were both getting your hands dirty while enjoying the beautiful weather. The sun was shining and there was a light breeze in the air, making it the perfect day to be outside.

Joel was digging up a patch of soil while you were planting some flowers. As you worked, you talked about your mothers. You shared memories and stories, discussing their personalities and the things they enjoyed doing.

Joel spoke fondly of Sarah, his daughter. "She was always so full of life," he said. "She loved to dance and sing. She would've loved to meet you, I'm sure of it."

You listened intently, feeling a lump form in your throat as he shared his memories of her. You couldn't imagine the pain he must have gone through losing her.

Then it was your turn to share. You told Joel about your mother's battle with cancer, and how brave she was throughout the entire process. You talked about her strength and how she always put others before herself.

Joel listened with admiration as you shared your memories of your mother. His eyes were full of respect and appreciation for you.

As you finished up in the garden, you both stood back and admired your handiwork. The garden looked beautiful, and you felt closer to Joel than ever before. The shared experience of opening up about your loved ones had brought you together, and you felt grateful for the connection you shared with him.

As you both sat down to enjoy a glass of cool lemonade, Joel looked at you mischievously and grabbed a handful of dirt, smirking.

"Uh oh, Muffin, looks like you've got a little something on your face," he teased and smeared a bit of dirt on your cheek.

You gasped and quickly retaliated, grabbing your own handful of dirt and throwing it at him. He dodged it easily and chuckled.

"Oh, you're going to have to do better than that, Muffin," he taunted.

You both ended up in a playful dirt fight, laughing and giggling like kids. At one point, you tackled Joel to the ground and ended up on top of him, both of you covered in dirt.

Breathless from laughing, you looked down at him and smiled. "You know, for an old guy, you're pretty quick," you said, teasingly.

Joel laughed and pulled you closer. "Oh, Muffin, you have no idea what else I'm capable of," he said, winking.

You blushed and playfully pushed him away, but couldn't help feeling a little thrill at his words.

You sat at the dinner table, feeling relaxed and content after your warm shower. The aroma of roasted chicken filled the air, making your mouth water.

"This smells amazing, Joel," you said with a smile.

He grinned back at you. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells."

As he served you a generous portion of chicken, you couldn't help but feel grateful for his kindness. "You really didn't have to cook for me, Joel. But I appreciate it."

He waved a hand dismissively. "Nonsense, Muffin. It's my pleasure."

You took a bite of the chicken, savouring the juicy flavour. "Oh my god, this is so good."

Joel chuckled. "Well, I can't take all the credit. I had a little help from a cookbook."

You laughed. "Well, I think you're officially a chef in my book."

The two of you chatted and joked over dinner, enjoying each other's company. Joel even brought out a bottle of wine, and you both indulged in a glass or two.

As you finished up the meal, you felt a warm feeling in your chest. You realized that Joel was more than just a friend to you - you had feelings for him.

Joel and you ate dessert and snuggled on the couch while watching TV. His arm was around you, and you were resting your head on his chest. You felt content and safe in his embrace.

As the show ended, you realized that you had both fallen asleep. You stirred, feeling disoriented for a moment before realizing where you were.

Joel was still asleep, his breathing slow and steady. You smiled to yourself, feeling grateful for this moment of peace and comfort. You closed your eyes and let yourself drift back to sleep, feeling safe and protected in Joel's arms.

As you stirred on the couch, a soft caress against your skin made you open your eyes. You looked up to see Joel hovering above you, his eyes filled with tenderness. He leaned in and placed gentle kisses on your cheek, your neck, and your collarbone, sending shivers down your spine. You felt a warm sensation spread through your body, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, his breath tickling your skin.

You looked at him longingly, you felt a sense of comfort wash over you like everything would be okay as long as you had him by your side.

Suddenly, Joel sat up and looked at his watch. "Shit, I'm late for work!" he exclaimed.

You sat up too, feeling a bit disoriented. "What time is it?"

"Almost eight," he replied, running a hand through his tousled hair.

Joel jumped off the couch and rushed to the bathroom to get ready. You followed him, feeling a sudden urge to help him out.

As you gathered his work clothes and packed his lunch, Joel rushed around the apartment, brushing his teeth and fixing his hair. You could tell he was flustered, but you remained calm and focused, doing everything you could to help him get ready on time.

"Here, let me help," you said, grabbing his shirt and straightening it out.

He smiled gratefully at you, his eyes sparkling. "Thanks, Muffin. You're a lifesaver."

He looked up and caught your eye, a mischievous grin on his face.

"What?" you asked, smiling too.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am to wake up to such a beautiful sight," he said, winking at you.

You blushed and looked away, feeling a surge of happiness fill your heart. Joel had a way of making you feel special like you were the only person in the world who mattered.

After a few minutes, Joel grabbed his workbag and headed for the door. You plopped down on the couch but were surprised as Joel made it back to the house. He planted a quick peck on your lips.

"Bye, Mama," he said, grinning.

You giggled and waved goodbye at him as he walked out the door, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. You knew you had found something special in Joel, and you couldn't wait to see where this journey would take you.

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