Chapter 18.

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As you sit nervously on the couch petting Fluff, Joel enters the room and notices the solemn look on your face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, taking a seat beside you.

"I think I might be pregnant," you say, your voice shaking slightly.

Joel's eyes widen in surprise. "Are you serious?"

You nod slowly. "My period is a week late, and I just have this feeling."

Joel puts his arm around you, pulling you close. "Okay, we'll get through this together. Let's go buy a pregnancy test."

You nod, grateful for his support, and the two of you head out to the store. As you walk down the aisles, you feel a mix of anxiety and excitement, unsure of what the test will reveal.

You and Joel make your way through the store to the family planning section, trying your best to avoid any awkward glances from other shoppers. As you approach the aisle, Joel grabs a pregnancy test off the shelf, and you can feel your nerves getting the best of you.

"Are you okay?" Joel asks, noticing your sudden change in demeanour.

"I'm just nervous," you admit. "What if it's positive?"

Joel takes your hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure it out together. Whatever happens, I'm here for you."

You suddenly hear a familiar voice call out Joel's name. You turn to see a woman with a pained expression on her face, It takes a few seconds to register, but then you realize with a jolt that it's Liz, Joel's ex-wife and the mother of his late daughter Sarah.

You feel a sudden pang of anxiety in your chest as Liz approaches you both, and you notice Joel's hand instinctively reaching out to hold yours. Liz's eyes fall on the pregnancy test in Joel's hand, and she seems to understand what's going on.

"Liz, hi," Joel says, his voice tight with tension.

"Joel," Liz replies, her eyes flickering to you and then back to him. "Who's your friend?" she asks, her voice laced with suspicion.

"This is my girlfriend," Joel says, his grip on your hand tightening. "We're just here picking up a few things."

Liz's eyes widen as she realizes the implications. "Oh," she says softly, her expression softening slightly. "I see."

You feel a rush of relief wash over you as Liz seems to accept the situation, but then she turns her attention to you. "And you're pregnant?" she asks, her eyes scrutinizing you.

You feel a sudden wave of embarrassment, not wanting to discuss your personal life with Joel's ex-wife, but you nod anyways. "We don't know yet," you say softly. "We're just getting a test."

Liz nods slowly, and you can tell she's still processing everything. "Well, I hope everything works out for you both," she says finally, turning to leave. "Take care."

As she walks away, Joel turns to you, a fierce protectiveness in his eyes. "Don't worry about her," he says softly.

Finally, you head to the checkout to quickly pay for it and you both head back to the car, the tension palpable.

As you both step into your home, the tension from the previous encounter with Liz fades away. You head straight to the bathroom to take the pregnancy tests, while Joel waits outside, pacing back and forth.

You can't help but feel relieved that the test was negative.

You come out of the bathroom holding the negative test in your hand, and Joel takes it from you, inspecting it as if he doesn't believe it. "Are you sure you did it right?" he asks.

How can you mend a broken heart (Joel Miller AU)Where stories live. Discover now