Chapter 17.

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As you're walking home from a long day running errands, you notice a small orange furry creature dart across the sidewalk. As you get closer, you see that it's a tiny kitten, no more than a few weeks old.

You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do. But as you crouch down to get a closer look, the kitten meows softly, and your heart melts. You scoop the little furball up into your arms, feeling its tiny paws and soft fur against your skin.

As you walk the rest of the way home, the kitten nuzzles its head against your chest, purring contentedly. You can't help but smile at the little creature's innocence and vulnerability.

When you finally arrive home, You carefully carry the small, furry bundle of joy in your arms as you walk through the front door of your home. Your heart is filled with warmth as you gaze into the kitten's innocent eyes. You look up at Joel, who seems to be lost in thought.

"Joel, can we keep him?" you ask, pleading with him.

At first, Joel seems grumpy, muttering something about not being prepared for the responsibility of a pet. But as he looks into the kitten's big, round eyes, his demeanour begins to soften.

"Well, I suppose we could give it a try," he says, his lips curling up into a smile.

You let out a squeal of excitement, and the kitten seems to sense your happiness, meowing contentedly in your arms. You set him down on the floor, and he immediately begins to explore his new surroundings, jumping and playfully swatting at your shoelaces.

Joel had dutifully gone to the store to get whatever you might need to take care of the little furry guy. You sat on the couch, holding the little kitten in your lap and petting him gently when Joel walks in with a bag of kitten essentials.

"Alright, I got everything we need. Food, litter box, toys, scratching post, you name it." He said with pride

"That's great! Thank you so much for doing that, Daddy." You batter your eyelashes at him, knowing he couldn't resist you

"No problem. And hey, he's kinda cute." He said as he set the items around.

As you cuddle with the kitten, you turn to Joel and ask, "What do you think we should name him?"

Joel scratches his chin, pondering for a moment before replying, "Well, he has such soft and fluffy fur, how about we name him Fluff?"

You look at the kitten, admiring his fluffy fur and nod in agreement. "Fluff it is then. It's a perfect name for him."

Joel smiles, "I think he likes it too," as the kitten nuzzles against his chest.

You both spend the rest of the afternoon playing with Fluff, watching him explore his new surroundings, and getting to know his quirky personality. You can't help but feel a sense of joy and fulfilment in taking care of this little ball of orange fur, and you're glad that Joel is by your side to share this experience with you.

You pick up Fluff and examine him closely. "We should take Fluff to the vet for a check-up," you say to Joel.

"Good idea," Joel agrees. "Let's go to the vet. There's a 24/7 one downtown"

As you wait for your turn at the vet, Fluff curls up in your lap and purrs contentedly. "I hope everything is okay with him," you say, stroking his fur.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Joel reassures you. "He seems healthy and happy."

After a short wait, the vet calls you into the examination room. "Let's take a look at Fluff," she says, picking him up and examining him closely.

"He's in good health," she says after a few minutes. "Just make sure to keep him on a regular schedule of flea and tick prevention medication."

"Thank you," you say, relieved. "We'll make sure to take good care of him."

As you enter the room, you catch Joel talking to Fluff, who is curled up in his lap. You can't help but smile at the sight, feeling your heart fill with warmth.

"Hey mama," Joel greets you with a grin.

You raise an eyebrow at the nickname, but can't help feeling a flutter in your stomach at the way he says it. "What are you two up to?" you ask, walking over to them.

"Just having a little chat," Joel replies, scratching Fluff behind the ears. "He's been telling me all about his day."

You chuckle at the idea of Joel having a conversation with a kitten. "And what did he have to say?"

"He said he loves his new home, and that he's happy to have us as his family," Joel says, smiling down at Fluff.

You feel a surge of emotion at the way he talks about the kitten, and can't help feeling grateful for Joel's presence in your life.

"I'm glad he's settling in well," you say, sitting down next to them.

As he cuddles the kitten, you can't help but feel a wave of affection for Joel. He may have been grumpy at first about the idea of keeping Fluff, but now he seems to have fallen in love with the little furball.

"You know, I never thought I'd be a cat person," Joel says, breaking the comfortable silence. "But Fluff has definitely won me over."

You smile at him, feeling a sense of joy at the idea of sharing this experience with Joel. "Yeah, he has a way of doing that," you say, leaning in to give Joel a kiss.

As you pull away, you catch a glimpse of the love and adoration in Joel's eyes, and feel a sense of gratitude for the bond you share.

"Fluff, your mama's so hot," Joel said with a mischievous smile.

You can feel yourself blushing at Joel's comment, but you can't help but laugh too. "Oh really now?" you reply, raising an eyebrow.

Joel chuckles and continues to play with Fluff. "Yeah, she's so hot she could melt ice cream."

You roll your eyes playfully. "Keep it up and you might not get any ice cream tonight."

Joel looks up at you with a mischievous grin. "Who needs ice cream when I've got you, mama?"

You can feel your heart skip a beat at his words. You know that he's just teasing.

You start petting Fluff, trying to push the warmth that travelled to your core out of your mind.

You respond to Joel's comment, "Oh, stop it. You know you're the only one who thinks that."

Joel grins at you mischievously and replies, "Well, I don't see any other guys around here trying to sweep you off your feet. I guess they just can't handle all this hotness."

You laugh and play along, "Oh yeah, I'm just too much to handle. That's why you're stuck with me, huh?"

Joel pulls you in for a playful hug, "Yep, I'm stuck with the hottest mama in town. Lucky me."

You both share a laugh before Joel turns his attention back to Fluff, who's busy playing with a piece of string. "Hey little guy, you're lucky to have such a hot mama and a cool dad, huh?" he says, scratching behind Fluff's ears.

Fluff meows in response, seemingly agreeing with Joel's statement. Both of you can't help but a belly laugh at Fluff's timing.

"You're such a dork," you say, trying to change the subject. "But I love you anyway."

Joel smiles and leans in for a kiss. "I love you too, mama. And Fluff loves you too, don't you buddy?" he says, scratching Fluff behind the ears.

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