A Bed of Flowers For a Troubled Head

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

——————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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"Why so quiet, Little Mouse?" Questions the monster as he stared down at the poor creature sitting in the dark void of imagination. Her physical form was asleep tucked away in bed while her consciousness resides here. A blank slate for a face stared ahead, not at the beast who cursed her, rather she looked through him with nothing to say. Tilting his head, the Boogeyman approached her, but even that didn't gain a response. It wasn't until he sat in front of her upon the inky black vastness of a floor that she had even visibly tensed. At last, she answered.

"What use is it to feel anything anymore? I know the outcome of my life, and I know I cannot change it, so I will simply be miserable and be silent about it."

"Pretend all you'd like that your emotions had vanished. I can see your anger seeping in the corners of your mind. You cannot hide that, not from me."

"What use is anger if it cannot accomplish anything. Just leave me be."

"You and I both know I will not." Her head tilts downwards, a shaky breath passing her parted lips as her shoulders trembled.

"What do you want?" She whispers brokenly. "What do you want from me? You want me to be angry? Is that it?" Her fingers clutch the fabric of her pajama pants as tears shed from her eyes. "Sorry to disappoint your cruel addiction to my misery, but I have no energy left."

Y/N yelped as he moved closer and grabbed the back of her head to pull her to his chest before his other arm slipped around her back. She didn't fight him; she couldn't anymore, but she did not accept it. Her arms did not loop around him, nor did her fingers grasp onto his shirt or her head nestle against his chest. She was as still as a corpse. "What am I supposed to do? It's all hopeless. My parents don't even want to deal with me anymore. T- They want to send me away."

"That is not their intention, you know that."

"Shut up. You know that it is, so don't try to comfort me, you sick bastard. They just don't want to believe me. They think I'm sick, all because of you." A weak punch hit his rips. It was more of a tap than anything brutal. There was no power behind it. Even her immense anger didn't drive it. As hopeless as she was, she couldn't bring herself to hurt him truly.

"Well, what did you want me to do about it?" He asks her, a bit coldly. "Because I know that if I offered to show myself to them, you'd never want that to happen."

"Exactly, so why bother doing anything to stop this? I can't. I simply can't, so I give up. Let them place me in some crazy house. I don't care. I don't care anymore." She whimpered and cried as his eyes held a gentle expression. Sighing, he pets his victims head in soothing motions as she shook within his arms but could not pull herself out of them.

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