Restless Night

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

Y/N's breaths are soft and deep as she curls her knees to her chest with her eyes squeezed shut. She couldn't seem to fall asleep. She knows the nightmares are unavoidable, but having the actual beast put her to rest bothers her more. As badly as she wished to go to sleep on her own, it seems that won't be happening tonight. Oddly enough, though, the Boogeyman hasn't arrived yet.

She waited so long that she actually began to think it might possibly be another break from his dreadful games. Sadly, she knows better. He'll come. She's sure of it. For the moment, however, she'll enjoy the brief period of peace. Relaxation is rare for the poor girl. During this time to herself, the teen's thoughts wander to the monster's warnings from the other night.

She felt that it was strange that he wanted her to stay away from Keith. After all, he never tried to make her stay away from her mother and father or even her past tutors. Sure, sometimes they were involved in her nightmares, but he never outright told her to avoid someone. It made her wonder. It isn't like she could ask the beast about it, though.

She doubted he'd be civil enough to explain without torturing her in one way or another. Another thought drifted into her brain. How is she going to get rid of him? She still hasn't thought of a way to tell the blonde. Thankfully, she has until her next therapy session to do it.

'I wish that monster would just leave me alone.' Y/N buries her face into her plush pillow, desiring to be set free from the Boogeyman's grasp. And, so, she pondered what Pilvrich has in mind for ending her pain. How is he going to defeat that beast? Her cheeks tint a light pink without her knowledge.

She has grown rather fond of the dark-haired man. After all, he's been protecting her well. She had begged him to stay the night the day after the creature returned even though she was embarrassed to ask. She could still see that smile that graced his lips and the soft laugh that emitted from him. He didn't even seem bothered by the fact that she clung to his shirt the entire night. The girl suddenly flinches in fright when a low growl reaches her ears. The teen whimpers softly and tucks her body in more with her arms wrapped around her legs. Seems the Boogeyman finally arrived to toy with his prey.

"My, your mind is abuzz tonight, isn't it, little mouse?" He muses with a grin on his face. Y/N gulps nervously, but remains silent as her breaths grow shaky. "You know, I can hear all your thoughts, and, I must say, lately, you have this Pilvrich fellow on your mind a lot," he comments, amused by her frightened state. "Do you really think you should trust him? After all, he just shows up out of the blue offering the impossible."

Not wanting to hear anymore from him, Y/N covers her ears. She knows he's just trying to plant a seed of distrust in her mind like he attempted to do with Keith.

"Do you really think that man can kill me, Y/N?" Out from the shadows, the creature steadily approaches the bed with a dark chuckle erupting from his throat. The sound causes her heart to beat fast, and she could practically sense his shadow looming over her. Unable to help it, she begins to cry silently. "Why are you up so late tonight? Could it be that you've been waiting for me to put you to sleep?"

In an instant, the blankets are ripped off her body, causing the girl to flinch and breathe heavily in panic. The next she knew, clawed fingers dripping a black ooze grab her chin and force her to sit up. Her eyes hesitate to open and stare at the face of her worst nightmare. Trembling, she attempts to shove the beast off only for his other hand to catch her wrists, which are small in comparison to his large claw. She yelps in pain, for his grip is painfully tight, and squeezes her eyes shut as tears stream down her pale cheeks. She shudders when the hand that was beneath her chin pushes her hair behind her ear.

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