Epilogue: Dear Little Mouse

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Author's POV:____________________________________

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In any other story, perhaps, the Boogeyman might've renounced his love of torture on innocent minds because of what it had done to him, what it had done to the one victim he had truly felt sorry for, but when you are a being created from fear, who feeds off fear, I'm afraid there is just no fighting that desire. However, while his torment continued throughout the mortal realms, his newfound humanity was not forgotten. A lesson had indeed been learned, and the monstrous beast's heart was no longer made of stone.

Kept deep within the dark depths of Hell laid his weakness, where every day he would pass by those shrieking, disfigured husks of human souls, the collection he had been gathering since the day he began his life. They were trophies, souvenirs, fun toys to play with on his downtime, all but one. Past the screams of agony and eternal suffering there is a room, a simple room with not much in it but a bed. It is a nice bed, plush as clouds and soft as the finest silk. His room was not so detailed, used only for sleep if he were ever around to use it. It wasn't until recent years that it had a regular use. While the room was mostly plain and minimal, there was a decorative choice of flowers set in vases on whatever surface they could grace. Black dahlias contrasted by dainty, white poppies, just as he had given her all that time ago. A way to honor her, he thought. The flowers were replaced once wilted without fail, as if them dying was a sign of complete loss.

Sound asleep in eternal slumber lied the sleeping beauty upon the bed, her appearance clean and well kept, dressed in a white, ruffled nightgown, as if she were a medieval princess waiting for a prince to kiss her and break the spell. No such kiss of life would be granted in the dragon's keep, not if he could help it. His task now is to spare her from the world she no longer had a place in, the world that had broken her beyond repair. You see, what the monster learned in all that time with his darling, little mouse was that what little light lived inside him was reserved solely for her.

Y/N had brought a powerful demon to his knees and wasn't even awake to realize it. No matter how many he visited in the dark of night, none had ever struck him as she had. Pilvrich wished that somehow it could've worked, that they could've been happy, that they could've coexisted, but a man can only tear something up so much before it breaks. Here, he cares for her, righting his wrongs. Here, he keeps her safe and contained in the one place she had never wanted to be, but her mind was the farthest from him, and she was finally at peace.

His poor, little mouse.

He should've let go of her long ago, when these feelings were realized, when she was happy. He shouldn't have stayed. Perhaps, her life could've picked up, then? He could've made himself disappear, protecting her away from sight to ensure her life was fixed and safe. Such ideas always come too late. The man swore that if someone ever did ignite his heart again that he would leave them, as he should've with her. He was not made to love anything, as unfortunate as it was.

All within his vicinity are destined for tragedy, but at least now, he could say he wasn't alone. His precious mouse, Y/N, she was always with him at the end of the day. If he needed to, he'd hold her hand or rest her head on his legs to play with her hair just as he would before, pretending all was how it once was, but her eyes would never open for him. Once or twice, he had felt tempted to slip into her head just to see her again, but he had made a promise, and if he did, he couldn't guarantee that he could stop himself from doing it again. He had to find solace in the fact that she was content with laying alone in the darkness for all eternity.

No sounds, or people, or monsters or dreams, just an endless slumber, living in a world of nothing,

No pain,

No sadness,

No happiness,

Just peace.

Author's Note:

And that's the end of the story, loves! Thank you so much for reading this, really! It's been such a pleasure writing for you, and you have all been so patient to make it to the end, especially those of you who were around for the mass editing of my books. I'll be going through one last time for a light edit of grammatical fixes and the occasional tweak of wording, but the story is all done otherwise. If you enjoyed this book, please, consider checking out some of my others if you haven't already. I have lots to choose from, ranging from horror to romance, though mostly a mix of both. If you have any questions, please, leave a comment or head over to my author's notebook, Golden Throne to ask there or see if your question has already been answered.

I appreciate all of your support and comments. Thank you once more for choosing my book.

~ Golden ~

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