Break Of Dawn

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"Okay, so what did you do now, Fox?" Nebula exclaimed glaring down at him, almost icy enough to make him flinch though he stared up crossed armed and defiant.

"Nothin I can't get us out of." Rocket dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Just a few Badoon assholes I got into a hick-up with some time ago." Rocket awkwardly admitted, as Nebula glared more hard at him.

Peter was in Rocket's space before he knew it, glaring down at him just as hard. "You did this during one of the times you left the ship on your own right? Just what else have you been doing behind our backs?! I knew it couldn't be good!" Peter demanded. Rocket stood up, backing up a bit though his teeth flashed menacingly at being cornered.

The rest of the Guardians groaned upon the beginning of a new argument coming on. "But you said you needed to step out for fresh air Rocket!" Mantis innocently questioned, much to Rocket's aggravation.

"Yeah–to get away from Star-Douche. In case you haven't noticed he's been on my case ever since. So that part was true. The weapons they claimed I owe them I collected off them months before you all–" He seemed to hesitate to even mention how they were all resurrected."–but I took nothing we didn't need, so lay off my–"Peter angrily interrupted him.

"And how exactly are we going to be able to fight the Kree when our ship has been shot down?! And over yet another robbery you did! Just how many more enemies are you trying to bring to us?!" Rocket's posture tensed, tail beginning to swish as his eyes narrowed.

"How are we supposed to confront the Kree from the Dark Order and stop them from whatever they're planning?! If you hadn't been trailing Gamora when she wanted nothing to do with us, we could have put valuable time into taking on more jobs!" Rocket fired back, choosing to ignore the sharper glares from Nebula.

"Getting more units and weapons are the only way we'll–" Rocket was once again interrupted during his rant-like explanation.

"Figures you would steal behind our backs! That's all you've ever been good at to begin with!" Peter angrily fired back down at him.

Though Rocket's ears twitched agitatedly against the urge to wilt under pressure–he chose to seize up, gritting his teeth at him with an angry snarl. "How dare you! I only stole those weapons so we'd have a better chance against the Kree. And yeah also help Gamora–and fat chance we'll be of any help if we're killed alongside her!"

But Peter doubled down not having none of it. "This is just like what you pulled with the Sovereign! And once again we were shot down because of you! You weren't thinking about us or Gamora–just admit it! You were thinking of yourself like always!" Peter snarled back, looking really angry now, as Nebula continued to stare wearily annoyed down at him as well. The looks reminded him of the way Gamora had looked down at him upon their brief re-reunion on Hala.


"I said I wished to be alone! Can't you people understand that?!" Gamora fired back at them, though Quill was the closest and visibly wilted under the received rejection. They had found Gamora on Hala–with her a group of Kree Black Order followers gating on her close behind–who's transmitted invitation to meet with her had been intercepted and tracked by the Guardians.

"But Gamora–I've missed you so much. And we found you cause your being followed by a bunch of Kree thugs–apparently claiming to be Black Order supporters, in other words–"

"Supporters of Thanos. I know." Gamora stated simply. "I organized a meeting with them here." Peter raised an eyebrow questingly, as Nebula bluntly asked. "And what would that be for?"

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