2. The Bedroom Note

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We pull up in the Fishers' driveway and Aunt Laura honks the horn. Belly gets out first and then Steven and Laurel. Then me.

I get out of the car and see Jeremiah hug Laurel. I bet Susannah told Conrad and Jeremiah everything about my family. Fuck.

Susannah runs out and hugs Steven. I just stand there and panic to myself. Will they treat me differently now that my parents are dead? Are they gonna treat me like a piece of glass?

Then Susannah looks over at me and her eyes grow with excitement. "Mackenzie!" She says. "I'm so glad you're here!" She gently hugs me. I don't really hug people back anymore.

"Hi." I say. I smile a little. Susannah smiles at me.

"Mackenzie, I am telling you, you are going to have the best time here." She says.

"I hope I do." I say. Then Jeremiah runs over and gently hugs me. Not the same rough dude hug that he gave me last time I saw him.

"Hey Mackenzie!" He says. "Hmm, you're still not taller than me." He says, making a joke. Three months ago, we always joked around and he would say that I'm short. I smile a little at him and he smiles back.

Then I see Conrad walk into view. He pulls his zip up sweatshirt over his shoulder and he sees me and smiles. I smile a little. The same smile that I give everyone.

"Well hey there Mack." He says. He smiles and hugs me. He hugs me lightly. Then he messes my hair up a little and I smile a little more. I haven't smiled with my teeth yet.

"Hey, guys, I think it's time for a...." Steven says. Jeremiah joins in.

"Belly flop!" They both say together. Then Conrad joins in and they grab Belly from the ankles and wrists. I follow them and watch them throw Belly into the pool. I laugh a little but quickly stop. I can't have that feeling come back.

"Guys, I hurt my ankle." Belly says. Then Conrad goes to help her but Belly pulls him in. I smile and laugh a little. I can't believe it. I just laughed for real for the first time in weeks. Maybe Susannah was right, I might actually have the best time here.

Then Belly shoves Conrad off of her and they separate. Belly goes inside and I go sit on the edge of the pool and stare at the water. Then a soaking wet person sits next to me.

"Hi." He says. I look over and see Conrad.

"Hi." I say. "How's football?" I ask.

"I quit." Conrad says.

"Oh." I say, surprised. I thought he really liked football.

"You're not gonna ask why?" Conrad asks. "People usually ask me that."

"Nope." I say. "Your business. Not mine."

Conrad smiles a little. "So, how's living with Laurel?" He asks.

"It's fine." I say. "She's really understanding for an Aunt." I say.

"Yeah." Conrad says. "Well I'm gonna go get dried off." He says, standing up. "See you later Mack attack." He walks away, chuckling. Three months ago, Jeremiah, Conrad, and I were playing football on the beach and I tackled Conrad. He started calling me Mack Attack ever since. I smile at the memory.

I walk inside and see Laurel, Belly, and Susannah.

"Hey Mackenzie!" Susannah says. "You look gorgeous."

"Thanks." I say.

"Belly, text your father and let him know that we got here safely." Laura says.

"Why can't Steven do it?" Belly asks.

"Because I'm telling you to do it." Laura says. I sit down next to Belly.

"He'll see us at the end of the summer." Belly says.

"He'll be here for the fourth." Laura says.

"Wait, he's coming here?" Belly asks. Her and Laura talk about the divorce.

"Where's Mr. Fisher?" I ask. Laura looks at me with surprise. "What?" I ask her. "I'm saying more than one word answers?" I ask. Laura nods.

"Mr. Fisher is in London. He'll join us later in the summer." Susannah says. "For now it's just the women and the children."

"Oh, Mackenzie, wanna see my room?" Belly asks.

"Yeah, sure." I say.

"Mackenzie, your room is the one next to Conrad's, you'll find it." Susannah says.

"Ok, thanks." I say. I grab my duffel bag of clothes and I follow Belly upstairs. She shows me her room. It has a blue and white wallpaper, there are little paintings in there as well. Susannah probably made them.

"I'm gonna go find my room." I say. I head out of her room and I go to an open door. I go inside and there is yellow and white wallpaper. It has little plants all over the walls. I put my duffel bag on the bed and see a card on the bed. It says, "Mackenzie" on it.

I take the card and sit on my bed. I open up the card.

"Dear Mackenzie, I know these past few weeks have been hard for you but I hope you have the best time that you've had in a while here. I know that you belong with one of my boys. I've talked to them both and told them about your parents and how you might be hesitant to open back up again. You can talk to any of us if you need to. Love, Susannah." I close the card and put it on the dresser.

Well, at least they know and understand that at the moment I'm not the person that I was three months ago. Will I ever go back to being the fun, hilarious, energetic person that I was?

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