13. Beach Day

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I wake up the next day, for real this time. I look at my phone and see the date. It's been a month. A month since I was sitting next to my mom's death bed in the hospital. Doctors crowding around her, uncontrolled beeping, me falling into my dad's arms.

I shove my head into my pillow. I can't believe that it's been a month. A month without my mom.

Sarah left early this morning, before I even woke up. Her bus came at 3:00am.

Then my stomach grumbles so I walk downstairs. In the kitchen, there's a box of muffins so I grab one and take a bite out of it.

"Hey Mack!" Susannah says.

"Hey Susannah." I say.

"What are you going to do today?" She asks.

"Take a walk and hang at the beach." I say. I take a bite out of my muffin.

"I'm gonna let you choose the dinner tonight." Susannah says. "Spaghetti, raviolis, or just seafood leftovers from last night?" She asks.

"Um, I don't really care. I eat anything." I say.

"I know sweetheart but I want you to choose." Susannah says.

"Um, spaghetti sounds good." I say.

"Okay then! See you tonight. Have fun on your walk and on the beach." Susannah says. I give her a small smile and I walk out.

I head down to the beach and walk along the shore for about an hour, so three miles. Wow. I think about my mom and how she would cheer for me at volleyball tournaments and how she would make the best spaghetti ever. She had a secret recipe that she never told anyone, not even me.

I sit down and stare at the ocean. I miss her. I miss my mom so much.

Then I start walking back and I sit down after I get back to where I started. I stare at the ocean waves crashing in. It's good weather for skim boarding.

Skim boarding is when you put this thin and flat piece of oval shaped wood on the thin part of the water after the waves crash it in. Then you just glide across the sand and the water.

I walk up to the Fishers house and I grab my skim board. Then I walk back down to the beach, still in my shorts and long sleeved shirt. I wait for the right wave and then I place the board down and hop onto it. I feel like I'm free, just gliding across the water, no worries.

After about an hour of that, it's 3:30 pm. I sigh and sit on the beach again. I dig my hands into the sand and I feel something. I clasp my hand around it and pull it out of the sand.

It's the knife.

Stars Around My Scars - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now