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I woke up, my body curled up against my mothers slender figure, her cheeks radiating warmth into mine. A soft "mEoW" came from the foot of the bed as I lifted my head up, my blond hair falling down to my shoulders. My mother let out a shaky breath as her eyelids fluttered open, her gaze meeting mine. I smile softly at her, 'She must be worried' I think to myself. We let out a silent greeting as we both get up; sorrow being the only emotion that hangs thick like a fog over us. 'Where's Katniss?' I ask myself, ruling out all of the options. "The woods with Gale!" I mutter to myself, earning a confused look from my mother. I give her a reassuring glance as I go over to the makeshift vanity, plopping myself down on the chair in front of our cheap mirror.

Mother starts to dig around for an outfit as I grab a hair tie and place it down on the "vanity" while running my fingers through my hair in a way to untangle it.

Mother lets out a sigh as she eventually gives up and grabs an oversized, ruffled blouse and skirt along with a few pins to hold it in place. I let out a sigh of annoyance once I realise that the blouse will probably untuck every few seconds.

"I know it's not the best, but it will have to work until you get bigger, you know how expensive it is to buy new dresses." Mother says with a sad gaze. I look down at the battered floor, feeling guilty that I had gotten annoyed with the only nice piece of clothing we have. I shrug and reassure my mother that it's fine. I quickly undress and slip on the smooth blouse first and then the skirt. I have my mother pin the blouse to the skirt, keeping it in place.

I have mother sit down on the chair next to mine, handing her one of my hair ties to do my other braid. I weave the rough strands of hair together, pulling it altogether.

I let out a shaky breath as I sat up and walked over to our cat, placing a hand on his fur. He purrs slightly as he shoves his scrunched-up face into my hand, desperate for the warmth. Any normal person in District 12 would find such a creature useless and money consuming; that was what Katniss thought but lo and behold look at who brought home a cat. I let out a soft giggle as I remembered how much Katniss wanted to get rid of him, but I begged her to let us keep the cat who I remember was thin and scrawny at the time. I was quite loquacious that day as well; which I assume was my reason for the talkative state I was in.


Katniss barged into the house, her arms filled with some bread, plants, and meats of different kinds of creatures.

The smell of meat made my mouth water. My stomach rumbles slightly, I feel heat rising to my cheeks in embarrassment as I look down mumbling "Excuse me,". "Where did you procure that big catch?" Mother asked Katniss, earning her a pointed look. "Hunting with Gale." She simply states. My eyes widen happily at the mention of Katniss's hunting confidant. 

Mother quickly hurried away to her "closet", sparing Katniss a look of slight disapproval.

Mother came back out and held up a silky, sky blue dress with a v-neck and buttons along with a tie to go around her upper waist. She went to an enclosed room for a short bit, I waited patiently for her to finish her "shower" so me and mother could do her hair.

When she came out, she looked like a goddess, her olive skin could've been glowing if it was cleaner, though. "You look... beautiful." I mutter, scared that if I say it any louder then the beauty would go. Katniss snorts before replying with a blunt, "Yeah, but nothing like myself,". I giggle slightly before mothers goes to braid her hair, and Katniss and I have a quick exchange.

"You look like a duck."


Katniss goes to tuck in my blouse as I let out hysterical laughter. Katniss sends me a look as I run from beneath her grasp. Mother lets out a sigh as I go over to her and embrace her, for this might be the last time I see her. . . no, I can't have that mindset! I shake my head aggressively before preparing the dining table for the food Katniss has brought back. Buttercup rubs his face against my leg, purring as I stroke his back gingerly. I pick up Buttercup and spin him around in the air a few times over and over until he looks like he's on the verge of throwing up. I chuckle and place down on the ground softly.

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