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Once President Snow cut off the broadcast, I found myself running towards Gale's door, my hand an inch away from knocking when I heard Gale shout from inside, "I'm going out, mother!" I abruptly move away from the old, peeling door. I see the knob twist as Gale steps out with a big, burlap sack. "Prim? What do you need?" He asked, a hint of sadness in his tone. "Todays- the day you teach me how to- to hunt." I said in between my panting, trying to recompose myself.

Gale just lets out a sNoRt of amusement, shutting the door behind himself. I glared at his presence, allowing him to know I was very serious about this choice.

Gale seemed taken aback by my sudden intimidating nature, I guess if anything I have my mothers glare, one that could scare even the fiercest warrior. With a soft chuckle; Gale says, "OK, but we've got to set some ground rules first. Things Katnip would want." My eyes widen when he mentions Katniss, she's a some-what touchy subject for me now. I nod my head and follow him as he strides away towards the fence, his bag hitting his back with each foot step making it seem like he's carrying a body. I let out a small giggle at my realisation that I have basically just associated him with that of a murder. 'Wow,' I think, 'I really just thought of him like a murder, well, technically he is since he kills animals. . . I'll have to toughen up if I want to do that without crying.' I hardened my gaze as my monologue, main character, moment happened briefly.

'I'm going to follow through with this! I have to, for Katniss!' I think happily, my fists clenched when I remember that she's gone off to The Hunger Games because of the Capitol, wait. . .I haven't seen Rue lately.

"RUE!" I exclaim to no one. Gale just looks at me like I've lost my mind, cocking a brow and scrunching up his face. He almost looks like a peace-keeper.

"Why are shouting out the name of District 11's tribute?" My eyes widen at this, tears welling up in my eyes as I begin to hyperventilate. Gale looks panic stricken, his mouth open but no words coming out- at least, I don't hear anything. As I start to feel dizzy, I remember something Rue had told me before, when we first met, "If I am to ever go off into the Hunger Games, I want you to keep on living well!" "OK! Same goes for you!"

My body suddenly feels light as I face-plant into the ground, my head barely missing the fence.


I let out a groan as I sit up, the sound of rushing water greeting me. "Where am I-" "Forest, don't talk right now." RaT hEaD Gale rudely interrupts.

I let out a huff as I looked around the area. The tree I was leaning against was rough and the bark was chipped. I hum a soft tune to myself, The Hanging Tree. Mum always told us that we weren't allowed to sing it, but it reminds me of Katniss and our dad. I miss you. I growl at that voice inside my head, the one that only thought of them, it made me feel like breaking down into tears, but that would mean showing weakness.

"Say, how did I end up here?" I ask in a rather stupid tone. Gale just sighed, now facing me. "You passed out. I think you're smart enough to piece it together on your own." He states before yanking me by my wrist rather hard. I let out a yelp of shock, attempting to yank my wrist back. I glare at him through narrowed eyes, feeling the circulation being cut off. "W-What the-" I was cut off as Gale slapped me,

I feel tears well up in the corner of my eyes, my gaze blurring. I stumbled back a bit, not wanting to be near the RaT.

"You shouldn't be out here, Prim! Y'know that!" He shouted at me, but I was too stunned to speak at his sudden outburst. I look at him with wide eyes, not daring to move an inch. I let out a hiss of pain and, this time, I'm able to yank my wrist back from him. "W-WHAT THE HECK G-GALE!?" I scream. Gale's eyes soften for a second and he looks. . .almost guilty, like I'm the accused in a crime I didn't commit. 'He's bipolar,' I think with a huff. Why doesn't he understand he can't just look at me like I did nothing wrong yet slap me- that makes no sense! I slap him on the face, my way of getting revenge, before storming off somewhere into the forest. "What a- what a. . . WHAT A JERK! HE CAN'T JUST HIT ME AFTER PROMISING TO PROTECT ME! HE MADE THAT DIRECT PROMISE TO KATNISS!" I shout, punching a tree. I'm genuinely not surprised that the hit did nothing but hurt me, not to the point where it's unbearable. I let out a groan and cradle my right hand, careful not to aggravate the developing swell.

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