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The next day I woke up inside of my house. I had a nightmare of the horrid hunting experience I had the day before. "It WaS jUsT a DrEaM. It WaS jUsT a DrEaM." I murmured softly to myself. I dreamt of Katniss killing Rue in the woods, using the bow and arrows I used when hunting. My braided hair was a mess, so I sat up, took out the rubber band and carefully re-braided it. Today was the day of the interview. Each tribute would get a certain amount of time to talk with Caesar Flickerman. Katniss would be second to last, Peeta being last. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. It woke my mother up so I told her that I would get the door. I opened the door and quickly shut it in Gale's face. I locked the door and started walking back to the couch. "Prim, you can be mad at me, but I need to talk to you." Gale muttered. "Fine." I said as I unlocked the door and opened it. Gale grabbed me by the arm and pulled me outside. I noticed he had a red mark on his face from my hand. 'Good.' I thought.

"What do you want?" I growled at Gale.

"I'm sorry."


"Because I was unfair to you."


"What." I said, chuckling slightly.

"Be quiet."


Enjoying the conversation more than I expected I said "What do you want, Rat Head?"

Gale just laughed. "I'm sorry, Prim." He said. "You should be." I told him. Gale gave me a hug but I did not hug him back. "You were already on thin ice with me and then you slapped me and the ice broke then, you fell in the ice water." I said. "I'm very sorry." Said Gale. "For everything. I saw some peacekeepers and I didn't want them to take you. Katniss would kill me." He said. "W-what if she doesn't make it?" I said. "What would you do then?" I asked Gale. "I'd Do WhAtEvEr I fElT lIkE kAtNiSs WoUlD dO." He said. Gale turned and started walking away.

I walked back in the door and started making breakfast for me and my Mother. I made us grain and some strawberries Katniss picked in the woods with Gale.

"Here you go." I said, bringing the food to my Mother's bed. She nodded and took the bowl. I sat on the couch with Buttercup, petting his fur to soothe me. Tomorrow, Katniss will be in the Games. Tomorrow, I might have no sister. I could feel tears coming in my eyes but I held them back. I had to be strong for Mother and for Katniss.

After breakfast I decided to go to the meadow. I didn't want to go in the woods but the meadow has always helped soothe me. I walked out the door, not even bothering to tell Mother where I'm going. I doubt she would even notice I'm gone. I walk on the side of the road, drowned in my thoughts. I thought about the fact that Katniss and Rue could be the last people and they have to fight. I thought Katniss could kill Rue, or Rue could kill Katniss. I started to feel tears swell up in my eyes as I broke into a run. I made it to the meadow in no time. I sat down in a patch of flowers. Twirling my finger in the mud, I started to sing The Hanging Tree.

"Are you, are you

Comin' to the tree?

Where they strung up a man

They say who murdered 3.

Strange things did happen there

No stranger would it be

If we met

At midnight

In the hanging tree."

I only sang the first verse, not wanting to sing the rest. I sat there for a few minutes before I got up, dusted off the dirt on my ruffly dress, and went into the woods. I went to the lake to dip my feet in, I didn't want to go swimming though. I ran there so it did not take long to get there. I sat down and noticed something in the water. Curious, I pulled the skirt of my dress up and dipped my foot to touch the surface of the object. It felt like wet fabric with something hard in it. I found a handle and pulled the object out of the water. It was a bag. I opened the bag and noticed what was inside. Some guns. "He tried to kill me with that." A voice said. I jumped at the noise and looked up. It was a lady. Probably just a little older than my mother. "W-who?" I asked. "The president." She replied softly. I was so shocked. What was President Snow doing in District 12?

"I've been watching you and your sister hunt with that wretched boy." The lady said. "Gale?" I asked her. "Yes. What a lovely dress that is. It was mine growing up." she said. "Wait what? Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Lucy Gray. Me and Corionals used to be a thing." she said. "What kind of thing?" I asked her. "Lovers." she said, "Until he tried to murder me when we were running away together." I was so shocked I could feel my jaw drop. "I also heard you singing that song. I made it up, as a message to Snow." she said. "Can you tell me the full story?" I asked and she did.

She told me the whole story and my jaw dropped. I looked in the direction the light from the sun was coming and said, "Lucy Gray, meet me here soon, if you see me just come. I have to go home and watch the interview my sister is in." Lucy Gray nodded and I started running back home.

When I got home, I switched on the television. In a few minutes the 74th Hunger Games tributes would be live in the Capitol for the interviews. The anthem started playing and me and mother started to actually pay attention. The District 1 girl was first, and I could definitely see what her stylist was going for. With that luscious blond hair, and gold dress, I knew she was trying to get sponsors. I looked over at Buttercup, and started petting him until I heard Caesar mention it was District 11's turn. "So Rue, what a wonderful 7 you got!" said Caesar.

"Thanks Caesar." Rue said softly. "Rue, how do you think you will survive the Games?" asked Caesar gently. "I'm fast and I know how to climb trees. No one will be able to catch me." Rue said more confidently.

"That's right." I said. "What?" asked Mother. "Oh nothing!" I said quickly.

"Haha, that's right, Rue. Everybody, Rue from District 11!" The crowd broke into applause for Rue as she went to sit back down. I did not pay attention to Thresh even though I know he has a shot at winning the Games. I could feel the knots tying in my stomach. Katniss was next. I heard the clapping for Thresh and immediately looked at the screen. Katniss walked on and chatted with Caesar. She started twirling soon after and it looked like she was on fire, even though it was just gems. Then, they started talking about her 11 in training. All of a sudden her time was up. The audience started clapping so loudly, Caesar had to calm them down. Next it was Peeta. The baker's boy. I paid attention to him only because his cakes look so good.

"Now Peeta, tell me, is there a special girl back at home?" Caesar asked. "Well Caesar, there is this one girl I've had a crush on ever since I can remember. But, I'm not sure if she even knows I exist." Peeta replied. "Well you win those Games and I know she will fall for you." Caesar told him. "W-w-well I'm not sure that will work out, Caesar." Peeta replied softly. "Why is that?" Asked Caesar, as the cameras cut to Haymitch looking like he was staring into Peeta's soul. "B-because.. Because.." Peeta stammered. "Do you want to tell us?" asked Caesar. "Because she came here with me." Peeta said quickly. There was a loud gasp from the audience. The cameras turned to Haymitch's shocked face and Caesar said, "Well that's rather unfortunate." Then, the television went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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