Chapter 4

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I've already published this work on my other accounts at FanFiction and AOA but do not get much feedback. Maybe you can give me some pointers.


 Chapter 4

A few days in her new school routine and she was exhausted, between her nerves and trying to adjust to the academic side of things, Sakura wanted to take a rest, good thing the weekend was right upon them, in just a few minutes left of class.

The week was not as eventful as she expected, she had no one to call a friend or have a normal conversation with. Just on her second day a boy called Keigo approached her and the moment she smiled at him; he froze.

Like, literally he did not even look like he was breathing... the hallway felt a little more crowded and she could not just walk away with his friend next to him, he was very apologetic and introduced himself. Mizuiro was very easy to talk to, she really liked that, and his smile was contagious.

Ichigo on the other hand, he did not approach her at all the rest of the week, maybe because she ran to the roof any break she could. Maybe she should also engage into a conversation with him, it is also her fault. If she took initiative, then she could actually start a friendship, instead of hiding away and avoiding everyone.

Sometimes... we cause our own problems in life...

Her own reflection on the window was mocking her. At the ring of the bell, she patiently waited for the classroom to empty, Ichigo would wake up from his thoughts at the ring of the bell. She wondered what he thought of when he lost himself staring at the window. By the time he calmly got up and collected his things, the rush from students ready to leave and the teacher's angry remarks would have died down.

That was her chance, as calmly as possible she approached his desk. – "Hey." – she almost whispered. But she got his attention, he stood tall and ready to leave. – "Hey." – he mimicked.

- "Maybe we could, walk back home, together?" – she hesitated only a little. – "Since we live near each other, of course." – she almost cringed at her poor attempt to sound convincing.

- "Yeah, sure." – he shrugged it off and took his leave, she followed close behind. At some point, once they left the school grounds, he took a slow pace, and she greatly appreciated it. His long strides were not easy to catch up to.

Conversation did not start until they got close to her home. – "Are you going to tell me?" –

- "huh?" –

He waited a couple of seconds before he stopped completely and stared back at her. – "Where do you live? So, I can drop you off first." –

- "Oh! Right, sorry. I live just two blocks away." – she pointed at the direction of her place. She was so distracted on learning the route he took that she completely forgot he did not know exactly where she lived. They had just passed the park near her home and naturally she had never taken this route before, remembering it would help since it was a very good way to get back home.

Ichigo avoided every single busy street that had too much traffic and they walked on a very nice and spacious sidewalk with the sunset behind them. It was both calm and comfortable.

He resumed their walk with a silent nod, but her drive to talk had been ignited. – "Have you lived here all your life?" –

- "Yes." –

- "That's good to know, I might bother you if I'm lost in the city or, you know." – she shrugged at the end, not knowing what she really wanted to say.

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