Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Watching her grow was an experience that felt long and almost painful. From her best moment she wished lasted forever to the harsh life lessons that pained her.

She wished to comfort the child when she cried, give her advice when she seemed lost, walk with her as she found herself wondering what her next step was.

Angelique could only be the spectator, judging from afar and wondering if this child was really the soul she should be guarding...

Many times, she second guessed herself, gazed upon the other children and hoped they were the ones calling for her.

It was odd...

Conflicting feelings flowing through her as she tried to find reasons to cheer for the small pinket that bubbled in laughter with her parents and turned into a crying mess when she wasn't.

She watched as the light she once knew dim every day and twisted into something she could not understand. At first, she worked for the Haruno Family and kept to herself to avoid unnecessary distractions.

That ended up backfiring in the first week of her stay. She was given a dorm for cheap and lived with many girls who also worked nearby and had a guard with a curfew. It felt like a convent.

She wondered if it was a choice or a necessity due to some unforeseen social stigma with the working women until she was confronted by a woman who held the place together. – "Are you sure this is the place for you? Your presence if making the other girls nervous. We get plenty of quiet ones after working for the "entertainment business" for a long time... but this is too much." – the woman scanned her from head to toe in the small office. Her loose and conservative clothing gave off an "aunt" vibe.

Her smile was welcoming, and her temper only spiked when she found the girls affected by something or someone. The blonde bowed deeply to the silver haired older woman and profusely apologised. – "I am just not used to all this." – and she could not express enough how out of place she felt.

The woman warned her. – "Don't force me to order an investigation on you, child. We have can't afford any more missing women and security breaches in this village." – that alarmed the blonde.

The only thing she could do was talk more about anything and everything as she avoided conversations involving any relationship with the Haruno to avoid bringing attention... it would be weird to mention how she watched over a child who was not hers... but she would keep an eye out for her own safety.

Becoming friends with her Boss's wife was easy as they gushed about how similarly they looked and acted. A doppelganger of sorts. Even the little pinket would confuse them.

Her interest was peaked as the pinket found herself lingering between a limbo of safety and danger. Willingly, she followed that little brat with spikey dark hair and a mood that felt like night and day when he was with family.

The blonde saw potential and intelligence on the little girl... that would be thrown out the window when she was near that kid.

it was alarming to see the same stalking intent she gave to the girl mirrored into a small human... it almost scared her. But here she was, small and fearless little idiot following one of the most infamous and dangerous clans in the village.

That she knew of.

Memories flashed behind her eyes, those lives she saw barely glimpsed at the murderous intent a warrior, but it was enough to give her chills as she tried her best to smile along and ignore those eyes hidden in every corner of the village.

They were fast, deadly, and most of all... silent.

She could disappear without a single noise or even a trace...

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