chapter 6

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(a/n: hello friends!! I'm gonna be honest, my motivation has been flushed down the toilet so I'm sorry if this chapter's a bit shit. anyways, enjoy!!)


"Wait, I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable, but- was he, you know, good?" "No you aren't making me uncomfortable, and um, yeah. Yeah, he was." "Is he big?" "And that's enough out of you for one day!" I made a zipping motion across F/N's mouth, making them burst out laughing.

"Do you want me to stay off tomorrow as well just so you aren't lonely here?" "You don't have to, I can manage on my own. Besides, you only live a few doors down from me. You could easily stop in on your way tomorrow, see how I am and then just go to college." "Yeah, but, to be honest, I don't have any friends outside of you." "Yeah, you might as well stay with me, then." "Okay, how about we have a look at that work Mr Gibson gave you?" "Yeah, sure."

Gaege's POV

I sat in my classroom, replying to emails when I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Um, excuse me, Mr Gibson?" "What's wrong, Claire?" "I-I don't understand this it okay if I stay after the final bell rings so we can go over it?" "Of course." "Thank you, sir!" I turned back to my computer.


"I'll see some of you tomorrow!" I called out to my class as they left the room. "Right, are you ready, Claire?" "Mhm!" I started explaining the work to Claire but it didn't seem like she was listening. "Claire, are you paying attention?" "Sorry, sir, I got distracted by how hot you were." I froze. What did she just say? "Claire, that's not an appropriate thing to say to your teacher." "Sorry, sir." We eventually managed to get somewhere with the work.

"I still don't understand this, sir..." 'Maybe you should actually pay attention...' I rolled my eyes. "Claire, I can't stay behind much longer, I have to go home." I started gathering my things. "Wait, sir!" I turned around as she walked over to me. "I'll do anything to pass your class...and I mean anything~" I tensed up as she started unbuttoning my shirt. "Claire, leave. Now." She rolled her eyes and left. 'What the fuck is her problem?' I made sure to report her before leaving.

Once I arrived home, I threw everything onto my living room sofa and changed out of my work clothes into a t-shirt and sweatpants. I pulled my phone out and started texting Y/N.

goosey 💚: hey love

Y/N ❤️: hellooo

Y/N ❤️: did you have a good day?

goosey 💚: it was stressful

Y/N ❤️: why??

goosey 💚: another girl tried to seduce me

Y/N ❤️: she what

Y/N ❤️: give me her name

Y/N ❤️: I'll kick her ass

goosey 💚: I don't want you getting in trouble

goosey 💚: I reported her

Y/N ❤️: good

Y/N ❤️: do you wanna come over??

goosey 💚: is F/N still there??

Y/N ❤️: yeah they're sleeping over

goosey 💚: is it okay if we facetime instead??

Y/N ❤️: yeah sure :)

I soon had a call coming through from Y/N and I accepted it. "Hello!" "Hi!" "You doing okay?" "Yeah, I had a look at that work you gave me with F/N." "It isn't too difficult for you, right?" "No, it's fine. We just had a quick look over it and I'm gonna start it tomorrow." "Good girl." I burst out laughing as Y/N's eyes widened.

"Y/N, who are you talking to? Oh, hey, Mr Gibson!" "Hi, F/N! You doing okay?" "Yeah, I'm alright thanks! Yourself?" "A little worn out after today, but I'm alright." "Good to hear." I heard Y/N say something to F/N and then heard her walk away.

"Um, Mr Gibson?" "Yeah?" "Y/N told me about you two..." My heart skipped a beat. "Don't worry, I will not tell a single soul. I will take this to the grave." "Good. Oh, and F/N? Please just call me Gaege." "Okay." After Y/N came back, we all said goodnight before I decided to have dinner and go to bed.

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