Chapter 17

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Jimin went to Jungkook's car and they went towards their destination.


You stand in front of your house for 30 minutes. You don't know why but you can feel that something is going wrong today with you.

Jungkook and Jimin already came and saw you standing in front of your house. “What happened Jungkook? Why are we here?" Jimin asked. “ I don't know hyung I felt that something is going wrong today. I will tell you the whole thing when we went home. And for now, just follow her." Jungkook replied.

You let out a huge sigh and finally went into your house. Jungkook and Jimin also followed you.

You enter the dining room where your mom was sitting. Your mom's eyes litted up to see you.

“Y/N you came. Where is money? I am waiting for you for a long time. Give me" your mother asked for the money. You gave her an envelope. “ it's not that thick. How can this big amount of money become so thin?" Your mom said while opening the envelope.

“Y/N!!!" Your mom shouted. “ Mom... I..." You tried to say but can't. “ Do you think I am a beggar? I asked you for 5 million won. Where is it? Why there was only 10 thousand won? Can you give me a reason?" Your mom shouted again.

“ Mom they gave you a big amount of money. How can I ask for money again? And you know well that I can't ask anyone for anything, especially money. Mom, they fulfilled your demand before why are you again wanting money? Take me to your landlord I will talk with him." You said.

“ You can't decide my way Y/N. I am not gonna answer you where I wasted my money. And you are my daughter you have to fulfill my wish. And you know what if Jeon's family won't find you at the right time then in the present you find yourself at the whore's place. I had sold you to them." Your mother smiled devilishly.

Jimin and Jungkook's eyes frowned to hear your mom's words. Jungkook was about to go inside but Jimin stopped him to hear the next.

“ Mom... I am your daughter. How can you say this?" You cried. “ shut up Y/N all I need is just money. Nothing else. If you were my biological daughter you can't say like this." Your mum said.“ Mom, what did you say I am not your natural daughter. Mom, you are kidding right... You are angry with me 'cause I can't give you money right?" You said in disbelief.

“ No Y/N for your kind information I am telling the truth. If I'd known back then that you can't fulfill my wish I won't pick up you. I'd rather let you die then. All I need is fucking money understand. I don't need anything anyone. I just used you for the whole time. And I am telling the truth. So just give me my money. And listen don't tell anyone about this or you will see the consequences." Your mother smirked. You looked at your mother in disbelief. You can't accept this.

“ Then why don't you sell that fucking villa you buy with their fucking money. I won't give you a single penny." You shouted back cause you can't accept what your mother said to you.

“ What did you say..." Your mother was about to slap you but someone grabs her hand and twisted her hand making her fall on the floor loudly. You quickly turned towards the person and it was Jungkook and Jimin behind him. You shocked.

“ How dare you touch her? You are gonna slapped a married woman? Do you know what will happen to you if you touch Jungkook's thing without his permission? And who the hell you are to mess with my family?" Jungkook shouted.

“ Jun - Jungkook... misunderstood..." Your mom shivering in fear. “ Listen old lady I will give you 1 million won. With that money, you have to change yourself and don't dare to call her again. Otherwise, you will have to give the whole money which you received from the Jeon family in one day." Jungkook holds your wrist and is about to leave.

“ Jungkook.... she-she is my daughter " your mom stopped him. “ Don't dare to say that again you fucking lady. You said by your mouth that she is not your biological daughter. I won't hurt you cause you raise her all these years. And don't dare to threaten her again or else the consequences will be the worst." Jungkook dragged you towards his car and Jimin was just speechless he just thought how can a mother be like this?

Then three of you sat in the car Jungkook in the driver seat and you and Jimin were in the back seat. You just looked out of the window blankly even a drop of water didn't roll down from your eyes. Jimin noticed it and asked you “ Y/N do you want something to eat? If you then I know a very good restaurant. We can go there." But you just nodded her head in denial “ I just wanna go home now. Thank you for asking oppa." You managed to say those words in your state. There was a huge silence during the whole ride.

Jungkook parked the car in the car parking area and you hurriedly get off from the car and ran towards the apartment. “ Jungkook go I will park the car and send the key to you. Just go after her." Jimin said and Jungkook nodded and rushed behind you.

You ran behind the sofa and curled your body and buried your face into your knee. But a single drop of water didn't roll down from your eyes. Suddenly Jungkook came into the apartment but he didn't see you.

“ Y/N Y/N where are you? Please respond. Where are you? " He called you but you are not in your right state to respond. He searched every corner of the apartment even in wardrobe. But you were not there. Then he was about to call Jimin but saw a little bit of clothes peeking behind from the sofa.

Then he went towards the sofa. “ Y/N came out. Nothing will be changed if you won't come out from there. For God shake came out. " He requested you. The place is so small so he can't go there. “ Y/N please came out. Talk with me. You can feel light in that way." Jungkook get worried about you cause you didn't utter a word and have not cried since the incident happened.

“ Y/N I'm hungry. Go make some food for me." Jungkook said cause in those days he get to know that when someone said that he or she is hungry in front of you, you can't stay still. After that, you came out from there and were about to go towards the kitchen but Jungkook hold your hand and make you sit on the couch.

“ You don't need to make anything wifey. I already ordered food from outside." Jungkook said. “ Then why did you lie?" You asked in a calm tone. “ I am sorry. But if I won't then you will never be out from there. I am so worried about you." Jungkook said and in the next minute, you hugged him tightly and cried your heart out.

“ Don't cry don't cry. It's alright." Jungkook patted your back to calm you down.“ Jungkook my mom lied to me right? She just gets angry because I can't give her money right? I am her biological daughter, she just lied." You asked him but he looked at you blankly don't know what to answer. His heart clenched at this sight of yours.

“ Why don't you give me the answer? Tell me it's all lie. Please tell me..." You cried crazily. Jungkook doesn't know what to do in that state.  Your situation has just gone worst.

“ Y/N you should rest now. I will call you when the food will here." Jungkook said as he thought that you need some time. You went to your room and locked the door.


Well, the next update is here. Vote up and leave some sweet words for me.

See ya...

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