Chapter 3: Angel

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My head kept spinning, what do I do? What can I do? I have to act now, that's for sure. I come up with an idea, a bad idea.

I calm myself down, breathing in and out slowly. My heart rate slows, my senses intensify. I can hear the humming of the air conditioning as loud as an airplane. I can smell the air fresheners like they were shoved up my nose. I can taste the eggs I cooked in the morning, it floated softly into my mouth. I can feel the air pushing on my skin like someone was poking me. Everything around me comes into full contrast, their colors become so vivid it's like they were painted on a backdrop of endless black.

I have achieved ancestral form, my form in which I'm a cat. I have black fur with white socks. My eyes are a steely blue-green. In my ancestral form, I have the ability to communicate with my ancestors as well was other dead Nekos. I'm also much more in tune with nature, and-if I tried hard enough- had slight telekinesis.

I walk up to the door and concentrate when a thought passes by me. Where has everyone been? My heart begins to race and I think back to the letter.

I shift back to normal and run up the stairs and into my room. On a nightstand I see a crumpled up letter. I walk over to it and pick it up. I read it yet again, feeling stupid for not noticing something. Certain letters were capitalized. I looked at the letters and it popped out at me so obviously.

The letters spelled out: VAMPS. How could I have been so stupid?! They must've been taken, and I was too stupid to realize. All because I couldn't get over my first kiss. I'm such an idiot.

Tears surfaced on the brim of my eyes. How could I be so dumb?!

I crumpled the letter and let it fall to the floor. I have to channel this madness and sadness into something productive. I know where to look, I hope. A nearby town… hmmm. There's a couple of those, perhaps there's a clue in the letter. I turn around and pick up the letter from the floor.

I sit on my bed and stare down at the little piece of paper. After looking closely, I realize certain letters are cursive. It seems extremely normal, I see people at school who write certain letters in cursive even though they printed the other letters.

I notice the cursive letters are: s, t,r,v,a,e,a,n,l. They're not in that order, but that's the order I noticed them. I think hard for about ten minutes when I realize it spells out: Las Tavern. Ok, Las Tavern must be close by- most likely in another nearby town. I grab my phone and manage to turn it on (don't make me fun of me, it's hard for me to even turn it on). I search "Las Tavern", and a couple of articles pop up about the tavern. I read a couple of the articles and I learn that it burnt down several times in its day, only to be rebuilt. It was shut down for selling unknown drugs as a side business, but was bought by a new manager and is now running smoothly.

I look on the map and it was about… 30 miles from here. That'll take a while to walk, but it's worth it. I run downstairs with a bag in my hand. I go into the fridge and get various fruits. I also grab some drinks and snack from the pantry. I then run to the basement.

It's dark down here, but my enhanced vision kicks in. I run to one corner of the room and pick up a small metal box. Inside are various things given to me by my parents. I only grab what I need; a distress signal, a bag of fairy dust, and a silver dagger that was passed down from generation to generation of my family. I'm pretty sure my ancestors are disgusted that I'm holding it in my hands. I put everything in my bag except the dagger. I slip the dagger into my boot and exit the basement.

I turn off all the lights in the house and exit, knowing that I'm getting myself into something bigger than me. I turn around as I exit the house and lock the door. I feel something behind me, something… inhuman.

Fear. Indecision. Acceptance. That's all I feel. All thoughts flee my mind, leaving me with painstaking silence. I slowly turn around, keys still in the lock.

Staring back at me is… pure beauty. His face is chiseled, like some statue of a powerful god. His skin is fair with a very slight tan. His hair is blazing blonde, it seemed to be uncombed. His eyes were a blazing gold. He was taller than me by at least a head. He had a slim, muscular build.

I swallowed deeply, I wouldn't mind if he killed me. Yes, you do Taylor. You don't want to die, well if it's him doing it…well I wouldn't be mad…

"I'm not going to kill you." He says, his voice is rich and has a foreign accent. Somewhere between British, Australian, and something else I couldn't pin point.

"What are you?" I ask, my voice threatening to crumble under the weight of his beautiful authority.

"I am Azrael. I am an Angel, in a sense."He explains, adding the last part with a certain grudge.

"I'm assuming you're here to help?" I ask.

"Yes, but not because you asked me too." He says. Dang sassy Angel.
" I didn't choose my personality, or my looks. It's um… something I rather not speak of." Azrael replies, so he does have some humility.

"Now, I am here to help you save your species." Azrael states regally, almost like he practiced.

"Oh, well good I could use some help." I say, with a slight bit of sadness. I couldn't do it by myself, I can barely turn on a phone.

"So, do you know where your friends are? The ones who also live here?" Azrael inquires.

"Oh, um they're kinda kidnapped…" I respond, ashamed since it was probably my fault.


"I know where they're at though! It's called 'Las Tavern' it's in a nearby town! That's where I was headed."

"Well, I guess I'm going too. How could you just lose your friends?! Wow, shows how good of a leader you'll be. Anyways, hold my hands." Azrael said, with a hint of disgust. I thought Angels would be a bit more… friendly.

I grab Azrael' s masculine-yet soft- hands. Everything around us fades to grey, and then the world around us seems to redraw itself.

Suddenly, I'm staring at an old-looking building. Las Tavern.




I sat in the corner of my room, a horrible gnawing in my stomach has been driving me crazy. I don't know what happened, I kissed Taylor and everything changed from there.

I grabbed the mirror next to my butt and looked at myself again. Staring back at me was a monster with blood-red eyes and skin pale like a corpse. Like a vampire.

I opened my mouth baring my teeth and my canines and incisors were now incredibly sharp. Am I vampire?

I was scared to leave my room, I had tried to attack an innocent dog on my way home. Who's to say I won't do that to someone else?

On top of everything, I kept thinking of Taylor. The way he looked at me with such pure and powerful fear. I wanted so bad to go to him and hug him, love him.

I don't like him or anything, he's definitely only a friend. I only kissed him because I've never kissed another guy before and he seems like he wouldn't tell anyone if I kissed him. It's really messed up, poor guy. What if he thinks I'm a monster? Well, he wouldn't be wrong.

Oh Taylor, forgive me. I'm so scared.

A single tear rolls down my cheek, and I hear a loud bang on my door. My parents wouldn't  do that, so who would? I get up slowly, wiping the tear off of my cheek. I walk over to the door.

I place my hand on the doorknob, I sense something bad. There's an unusual silence.

I open the door and I see two, very muscular and tall, men staring down at me. Their eyes… they're-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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