Chapter 2: Little Kitty and Pretty Master

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I couldn't keep away from him, I was attracted to him. It was weird, I never thought I'd ever be in love.

He kissed me, his hand was behind my neck and made sure I didn't pull away. It's ok, I didn't want to. I start to unbutton his shirt, allowing my lust to control my actions. Me and Justin have never gotten this far before, hell I didn't even know his middle name. He doesn't even fully remember my name. Are we friends, I'd like to think so. He says we're "friends with benefits". It sounds odd and slightly mysterious, but I liked it.

It was risky doing this in a bathroom stall, but he couldn't control himself. I couldn't say I could though, I secretly wanted this to happen.

"You want to do this here?" Justin asks me, pulling away from our passionate kiss.

"Yass Gaga." I reply, realizing I was using it in the wrong situation.

"I'm assuming you were home schooled, now get to work." Justin says, pushing my head down. I moved my head from beneath his hand, I had no idea what he was doing.

"Um, why are you pushing my head down?!" I ask, giggling like he was weird.

"You want me to bottom?!" He asks.

"What? Bottom? What do you mean? Aren't we just kissing? What does a bottom have to do with this…" I ask him, making my confusion clear.

"You know, I'm the top. The top is the one who-" The door to the restroom opens and he stops mid-sentence. We both knew these bathrooms were constantly checked for people like us.

My eyes snapped open. I stared up at the ceiling of my room. Why am I feeling this way?

I got out of bed, got ready, and walked to school. It was chilly, dark clouds covered the sky. It was actually quite beautiful and unusual. Back where the rest of us lived, we had wizards come and fix the weather so it'd always be bright and breezy. It took a bit of adjusting to get used to the changes in weather.

I could see Justin as I got close to school, he talked to all his friends. They laughed, making me wonder if humans considered it abnormal to not have friends. I don't have any, unless you include Justin.

Justin saw me out of the corner of his eyes, and I noticed his grin grew bigger. I blushed, did Justin consider me his friend? Probably not if he knew the way I thought of him.

I entered the school grounds, walking past Justin. I could smell his unique fragrance. I noticed humans tended to wear a fragrance in order to enhance their smell. I think it's to attract a mate. If so, Justin is doing a good job.

I sat down next to my first period class and listened to other people's conversations.

Some talked of weaves, and how they were "ghetto". If I'm correct,  ghetto is the word used to describe the place where Jews were forced to live during the Holocaust. They'd then be sent to concentration camps, which would most likely be their death. It saddened me really, I never knew humans could be evil as well.

"Hey lil gumdrop." A voice said, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Is that slang for something?" I asked Justin, looking up at his beautiful face. He sat down next me and smiled at me.

"Yeah, it means hey lil shit." He replied, chuckling.

"Oh, well that's noted. But, have I done something to displease you? Is that why you referred to me as a 'shit'?" I replied, slightly hurt.

"No! Man, you must've been very sheltered!" He says with obvious shock.

"Y-yes I suppose I was…" I say, looking down at the floor.

"It's ok." He says, placing his hand on my arm. As our skin touch, I feel a sudden light-headedness. Everything blurs on the edges and fades to black.

Then, a light brings me back to consciousness. I'm on the floor, it's hard to breath.

"Oh crap! Are you ok?!" Justin asks me with concern.

"I don't know." I reply, sitting back up. My head is throbbing, every thing is still blurry. Oddly, Justin is in full focus. His thin red lips seem to be more noticeable today.

"Do you want to go to the nurse?" He asks me, his hand gripping ny shoulder. I feel warmth there, a warmth I've never felt before.

"No, I- I think I'm fine." I reassure him, but my head is swimming. I remember my mom telling me how she felt when her and my dad became mates. She felt the same way I feel now, and my dad said he felt odd too. Is that what's happening? But Justin is a human, a Neko can't bond with a human. It's impossible.

"Do you feel weird?" I ask him.

"I feel worried for you, but nothing else. Why?" He asks.

I shake my head,"Just asking."

No, we're not mates. But what happened?

The rest of the day seems to fly by, I can't stop thinking of what happened. At the end of school, Justin offers to walk me home. I agree, only because I want someone to be there in case it happens again.

In front of my house, Justin looks into my eyes with his hands on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, slightly shaking my shoulders.

"I don't know." I say, I'm scared. I don't know why, the uncertainty just scares me.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"I think."

"Maybe this will help." He says, and then his lips are upon mine. My while body feels weird, like I'm being shocked back to life. Goosebumps erupt all over me and my primal form threatens to be released. Oh crap. I pull away and stare at him, wondering what happened. He stares at me too, his eyes seem different. They seem… red.

I back away, everything beginning to make sense. I turn around and run into my house, locking the door behind me and sliding down the door until I sat there. All was quiet, only my breath could be heard.

Justin is… a vampire. He has to be. And he just made me his mate. The feeling I first got was because my body realized he was a vampire. It was trying to tell me to run. I feel stupid. What did I just do? Surely Justin is going to tell everyone I'm a neko. Oh no, this isn't good.

I just bonded with a vampire. I think I doomed everyone. I have to fix this.

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