Chapter 1: First Impressions

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All I needed to do was become popular, with both the students and the adults. Can't be that hard, right? Learn how society works and learn how people act. What's normal and what's not normal.

I sit down and listen to the teacher giving a lecture on a math lesson I've already learned. The students around me are quiet, except for one. He sits across the room from me, and he's talking to the guy behind me. He must notice I'm staring at him because he looks at me and smiles. I look away, embarrassed, and push my glasses higher up on my nose. That boy, he was… cute. His confidence made him look twice more appealing.

I pick up my pencil and get an early start on the homework, toning out the teacher. No matter how hard I try though, the boy's smile lingers at the front of my thoughts. I only manage to do ten questions of homework before the period ends.

I grab my backpack from the back of the room and when I turn around, the boy stands there. I accidentally bump into him.

"Sorry." I say before walking out of the class, putting my head down and praying to God he didn't see me blush.

"Taylor!" A voice calls out for me.

I turn around, curious as to who knows my name.

"That is your name right?" the boy says, walking towards me.

I nod, scared to speak. He's much cuter up close.

"My name is Justin, we have all the same classes together, so the school asked if I could show you around." He tells me.

"I'm ok." I say quietly.

"Really?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I tell him.

"Because you're going the wrong way." He tells me. I blush, I'm so dumb.

"Oh, well I can go the right way now. Plus, I don't want to bother you." I tell him.

"No, it's not a problem. You're pretty cute anyways." He says. My cheeks burn up, and I look at the floor. That was very sudden.

"I'm assuming you'll let me show you around now?" he says.

"Yes, since you're so persistent." I tell him, my first attempt at "playing around".

We walk and he points out things around the campus, and then we're at our next period.

Mythology class, the only one I was excited about because I wanted to see what humans knew about the beings of night.

"So, Zeus was given control of Olympus and the skies, Poseidon was given the sea, and Hades was given the Underworld." the teacher said.

After about twenty minutes, the teacher said,"Ok, that's about it for today. You guys can pack up and talk until the period is over."

I pack up and walk back over to my seat. The room becomes loud as kids begin to talk about various subjects. I try and pay attention, but I'm easily confused. They talk about "twerking" and "baes" a lot.

"Hey Taylor." Justin says, sitting down next to me.

"Hello Justin." I say, nervous.

"So, is it hard being a new kid?" he asks me.

"Yaaassss." I say, copying what I heard another kid say. I hope it makes sense in this situation.

"Haha, ok that was sudden." He tells me, a smile plastered on his face.

"It was, I'm sorry ." I say apologetically.

"No! It was funny, just really random."He says.

"What you said earlier was random." I tell him.

"No it's not, you are pretty cute."He tells me.

"So you're gay?" I ask him, my cheeks burning up.

"You're not?" he asks me.

I stare at him speechless, I haven't known anyone who was gay.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." He tells me, a smirk on his face.

"No I'm not!" I tell him, scared he won't believe me. In the neko society, it's frowned upon to be gay.

The bell rings,"Just c'mon closet case, let me show you to our next period."

He takes me away from the classes, but I don't question him. He knows the school more than me. He takes me behind a building and pushes me against the wall. His eyes are blank and he presses his lips desperately against mine. I frantically push him off. I wipe my lips on my shirt.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask him, mad at what he did.

"Two reasons, one was to take your look of innocence and second was to prove you're gay." He says.

"I'm.Not.Gay!" I tell him slowly, so he can understand.

"Sureee." He says. I sigh before following him. Humans are very weird. Are they all like this?

I walk to the house my parents got for me to stay in temporarily. All other Nekos who were sent out to do things also live there. The house is very big, even for 6 people.

Apparently, no one else is home. When I open the door, the house is pitch black. I hear nothing, even with my advanced hearing. I can only hear the faint hum of the air conditioning.

"Hello?" I call out, just to make sure. I flick on the light, I look to my left and only see a couch, coffee table, and T.V. there. I walk to the kitchen and there's nothing out of the ordinary. I decide to go up to my room and see a note on my door.

"Very sorry, all of us made plans to go searching for clues in a nearby town."I shrug, recognizing the handwriting. I open the door and go over to my closet to get my pajamas. I go into my restroom and take my shirt off. I see a dark figure behind me, in the mirror. I quickly turn around and all that's left is dark smoke. I feel my hairs stand on end, what was that? Was I seeing things? I ignore it, shrugging it off as a hallucination. I jump into the shower and allow the warm water to run down my body. My muscles relax and my mind begins to wander. An image jumps into my mind.

Intense hazel eyes stare at me, wildly. Dark hair kept in an unruly way, making him seem only hotter. His thin lips curved into a seductive smile. His manly hands on my shoulder as he holds me pinned against the wall of the building.

He leans in slowly, the space between us becoming smaller until his lips are upon mine. So soft I feel like melting into it. My first kiss, and it was just as amazing as I thought it'd be.

Oh God, I stop right when my mind begins to wander to other topics. I was imagining me and Justin going way farther than we did. I had a sudden desire to please him, sexually. I blush, feeling stupid for feeling like that.

Apparently, Justin made a good first impression.

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