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Ever thought of jumping into a puddle of water without a fear of being scolded or enjoying rain without second thoughts. This may be minute but is done by the word.The reason , we may ask is simple, it gives joy. The joy of little things in life. Everyone feels happy when they are shown gratitude. What does it have to offer ? What a mere thank you can provide? The answer is satisfaction and the warm jittery feeling of being able to help. Life is monotone unless you start enjoying these small movements which are a plethora of happiness. The feeling after ones exams end , experiencing picnic or night out with friends or just happy family time is insane. They become   memory unknown to you until you remember them , cause the tiniest of reasons offer the highest of joys and the little things when taken care of helps to achieve the biggest of dreams.  Enjoy the little things in life for one day you will look back and realise they were big things.

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