Chapter #10

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Brianna and I walk into our classroom, but no one else is here yet. While we're all alone we try to finish the homework that we had neglected, in the past few days. As we are sitting and talking another girl that I don't know, enters the room. The girl greets Brianna and she greets her back. It turns out, they know each other.

"Clara, meet Erica. She's a really good friend of mine!" Brianna says, smiling.

"Hey, nice to meet you!" I look at Erica.

"Nice to meet you too, Clara! Brianna has told me, a lot about you!" she adds.

"Good things only, I hope!" I say and we all start laughing.

"Absolutely, I heard you transferred here, a week ago!" How do you like the school, so far?" Erica asks.

"Well, it's overall good, but there's some weird things that happened, lately." I try to explain.

"What do you mean, by that?" Erica looks at me, with confusion.

"You've probably heard about her missing necklace, right? She's suspecting Jacob, of stealing it." Brianna explains.

"Oh, right! I sure remember that part. I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest." says Erica.

"Why? Do you know something about him, that we don't?" I ask, in a hurry.

"She probably does, since she's Jacob's ex." Brianna continues.

"I sure do. One thing is for sure, he wouldn't do something like that without a motive. He's willing to do anything, so he can keep his position, as the council president." Erica says, rolling her eyes.

"Why would my necklace get in his way, though? I still don't seem to understand." I mutter, quietly.

"We'll have to find out, I suppose." whispers Brianna.

At that moment, other students also enter the room, as well as the math teacher. Everyone takes their seats and class finally starts.

-Time skip-

I decide to have a talk with Steven, so I leave class early. I assume, he's in his office like usual and head over there. I knock on his door and he signals me to go in. Inside, I find Nate and Steven talking about something.

"Am I interrupting, something?" I ask, quietly.

"No, not at all! Come and have a seat." Steven answers.

"Thank you. What were you two talking about? If it's not a secret." I say, smiling widely.

"Just school stuff, nothing that can't be interrupted." Steven responds, smiling back at me.

Suddenly, I notice Nate glaring at me, with the corner of my eye and it makes me rather uncomfortable. He quickly gets up and excuses himself out the room.

"I have some work to do, you two continue talking on your own!" he says, walking outside.

"Is everything okay? Did I say something, offensive?" I whisper.

"No, don't worry about him. Actually, I wanted to talk to you, about our plan." Steven says, taking out a notebook.

"What is it? Did you write something down?" I look, at the notebook.

"Indeed. I wrote some things, that could help us. Also, I decided to talk to the other guys as well, they might know something." he continues.

"That's great! But be careful, I don't trust some of them." I blurt out.

"I know who you're talking about, so don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

-Time skip-

After our classes end, Steven and I agreed to meet up on the school's rooftop, so we can talk. He said, he would try and investigate the case and hopefully, he's gathered some useful information.

"Hey, Clara!" I hear Steven, approaching me.

"What happened? Tell me, everything!" I say.

"Alright, where do I start?" he looks around.

Steven tells me, how he explained the situation to Jim and Nate and how he also told them, about our plan. The three of them went to the council's office and overheard a part of the conversation between Jacob, Simon and Henry. It turns out that the headmistress had asked Jacob to hide my necklace, in exchange for some kind of offer that was described in the envelope, I saw in his safe. He agreed and sent Henry to search my room and get the necklace, while Simon covered up for him. Just as they were about to hear the reason for all of this, Mrs. Blake arrived and interrupted them.

"What!? Why would the headmistress do such a thing?" I ask, in shock.

"I don't know, but that seems to be the case." Steven says, shaking his head.

"This is more serious, than I thought." I say.

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