Chapter #11

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I sit leaning against the window in my room and think. Right now I am completely alone and at least I can hear my own thoughts, in peace. *I don't understand why the headmistress would take part in such a thing? How could Jacob agree? I also don't know what's inside that locket, does the key to it even still exist?* So many questions, are running through my head. I decide that it's best to call Miss Devon and tell her everything. Maybe she will be able to help me.

She must know some kind of information, about the key. I decide to call her and ask for advice. She tells me that the it has been lost for a long time and it is not known where it could be found. She also claimed to have heard about a legend, that goes around the school and it's about a lost key. I'm not sure why my necklace would be connected to the school, but I decide to ask her more questions, regarding the legend. It turns out that my family was connected to the school in some way and that is the reason I was brought here. Unfortunately, Miss Devon doesn't know the details, but that's what she's heard from the rest of the staff. She tells me that I have to reveal the truth myself, and as always wishes me good luck. *I suppose, that's the only thing I can do.*

My conversation with Miss Devon ends and I decide to pay Steven a visit and tell him what I've learned. The truth is that everything is still very unclear to me, but despite everything, I hope that we will have some progress in this investigation. If necessary I will ask the other guys for help as well as Mike and Brianna. At least I know I have someone to count on. On my way there, I meet Nate and signal him to follow me to Steven's office. The two of us go inside and I decide to go straight with the subject.

"Hey Steven, can I tell you something?" I ask him.

"Oh, hey Clara! Yes of course! Hey to you too Nate." he responds.

Nate nods and I tell Steven all about the key, the necklace and their connection to this school.

"Why would your family, have something in common with our school?" Nate says, raising an eyebrow.

"That's the real question. Sadly, I have no idea, but I'll try my best to find out. Will you guys help me?" I ask them.

"Of course we will! I promised you already!" Steven says, smiling at me.

"Thank you! This means a lot to me!" I reply.

-Time skip-

While me, Nate, Steven, and Jim are going through some paperwork in the main office, Brianna storms, through the door.

"Oh my God! I've been searching for you everywhere, Clara!" she blurts out.

"Why? What happened?" I look at her.

"I don't know why, but for some reason, the painting with the dog, that you told me about is still in my head. Maybe there's a reason why Jacob mentioned it, as well." she says.

"Do you think, it has something to do with our case?" I ask.

"Maybe, I think it could be a clue? What if, that's the same necklace?" Brianna continues.

"I believe, there's only one way, to find out!" Steven adds.

"Shall we go check it out?" Jim offers.

"Sure let's go! Let's not waste any precious time." Nate replies.

We all go towards the painting to examine it. I take the necklace out of my shirt and decide to compare it with the one on the portrait. To be completely honest, they look exactly the same. *Maybe, that really is my pendant.* We all nod in agreement and decide to tell Mike, as well. *I wonder if my parents know, about all of this. Have they been hiding it from me?*

After all the discoveries we made today, I feel more relieved, in comparison to the previous few days. Looks like we're finally making some progress with this whole case. There are still a lot of unknown things, that are about to be revealed, but I feel like I'm on the right track. *I hope, I don't reach a dead end.*

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