Chapter Four

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I sat on a loveseat in the Queen's office, looking through reports and occasionally reading some books as the Queen signed some papers. Charlotte came in, "Your Majesty, the diplomatic pouch has arrived, and she's here." I smiled widely and stood up quickly, flinching at my excitement. The Queen and Charlotte chuckled and Clarisse smiled, "Go on, Lucas. Woo her." I grinned and ran out of the office. "Mia!" I called out with a smile and walked up to her. Mia blushed and hugged me tightly as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I looked up seeing other guards making kissy faces and I blushed. 

"I missed you, Luc," Mia said, kissing my cheek. I blushed harder and kissed her forehead. Charlotte came into the room on the phone again, "I need more roses. Red, white, Mauve. Mauve! Miss Amelia. Welcome. I see you found Lord Lucas." We both blushed realizing that we were still hugging and embracing each other like we were lovers. 

Charlotte smiled knowingly and gestured for us to head to the Queen's office, "Straight ahead to your left. Her Majesty is ready for you in the library." Mia giggled and held onto my hand as we both walked to the library. The Queen smiled as all three of us walked in, gazing fondly at our interlocked hands, "Charlotte, take notes, will you? Lucas, please let go of my granddaughter. You can make goo-goo eyes later. Amelia, circle slowly. So can evaluate the work to be done." 

Mia blushed and just stared at me and I frowned, "But Your Majesty. I like her the way she is." Mia blushed harder and giggled, "Thank you, Luc." Clarisse smiled and patted my hand, "You know the protocol. Sorry, my son." The Queen frowned and clapped at Mia, "Amelia! Does your bad posture affect your hearing? Lucas will be right here and you can stare all you want later. Turn." 

Mia blushed and started turning slowly, "Sorry." The Queen started listing off everything that supposedly needed to be fixed, "Well, carriage, obviously hairstyle. The complexion, ehhh. Stop!" Mia stopped and Clarisse continued, "Eyes. Lovely." I smiled, "Very lovely." Mia blushed and smiled, "Thank you. Micheal thinks so too." I choked on air, "Who is Micheal?!" Mia grins shyly, "Lilly's brother. He's working on my Mustang for me. He offered to do some free work, but I wanted to discuss that with Grandma." I grumbled, "He's sweet on you. 'I'll do some work for free' blah blah blah. I'm going to leave you three alone for the moment," I bowed to the three ladies, "Miss Charlotte. Your Majesty...Your Highness." The Queen and Charlotte smiled sadly as I walked out, a little upset. I could hear Mia call out for me, "Lucas! Wait!"

I walked into the foyer in a huff and the guards all look over and one speaks up, "What's wrong, Luc?" I groaned, "I'll do some work for free! Lilly's brother! Oh boy!" The guards laugh and shake their heads. I grumbled as I continued walking away and Joe walked in confused, "What's wrong with him?" Someone laughed, "He's finally experiencing jealousy when it comes to women." 

------The Next Day-------

I stood behind the fence watching Mia try and block soccer balls. I rolled my eyes at the obvious lack of emotion emitting from other people. Last night, I felt guilty about my behavior because I just met Mia. I shouldn't be so upset that she likes somebody else. I'm a guard, not a suitable suitor for the Princess. I need to be more aware of my behavior. 

After school ended, Mia and I got into the limo. I got in the front with Joe while Mia got in the back and leaned forward, "Joe. I'm gonna turn the backseat into a dressing room so I can change into a proper outfit for Madame, okay?" Joe nodded, "Yes, well, don't forget your shoes." Mia smiled, "Thank you. Thank you, Lucas." She kissed my cheek and leaned back and put the divided up. I blushed and Joe grinned, "Strange town, San Fransisco. When I purchased the pumps, they asked if I wanted them wrapped or if I wanted to wear them." I chuckled as I heard Mia giggle.

We kept driving and Joe alerted Mia, "Going up." I heard a crash and looked at Joe in concern, "Mia, are you okay?" I heard her yelp, "Yep. I'm fine, Luc." Joe looked over, "Going down." I heard Mia squeal as we went down  and Joe looked at me, "I've never put on pantyhose, but it sounds dangerous." 

I helped Mia out of the limo and smiled at her, getting a smile back. I shut the door and escorted Mia to the door, only for Mia to intertwine her hand with mine. The Queen had me tie Mia to a chair so she could learn proper etiquette. "Grandma? Is it customary in Genovia to imprison your dinner guests by using a handsome man and Hermeez scarves?" The Queen smiled, "It's Herms. The scarf is merely a training tool. Eventually, you will learn to sit and eat properly without it. Manners matter. Besides you like Lucas more than a friend. Am I right?" Mia and I blushed and I watched her as she nodded and smiled at me. 

I chuckled, watching Mia struggle to eat without leaning forward. The Queen smiled, "Enough etiquette for the day. Now, Genovia does a lot of trade with Spain, so we prepare for that. The quickest way to a Spanish heart is dance." Mia, Clarisse, and I walked into the small ballroom and I smiled, holding a hand out for Mia to take, "Mia, tell me what type of dancing you do."

Mia smiled, "Just the normal kind. Like-" She started dancing and I looked at the Queen in amusement. "We have a Genovian alternative, Mia." The Queen pressed play on the recording and Genovian classical music played. I looked at Mia, "Now, the dances here are very sedate, right from the hips." I started moving my hips slightly to the music.

I cupped Mia's head in my hands to stop her, "No bobbing of the head please, love. You're not a doggy on the dashboard." Mia giggled and placed her hands on mine, I blushed, but continued, "Straight. Straight up. Let's practice here," I spun her around to the middle of the floor, "Now, this dance is between a waltz and a tango, you see?" I held one of Mia's hands and my other hand was settled on her waist. 

"It's a wango?" Mia asked with a small smile and I chuckled, kissing her cheek, "No. All right, here we go. Spin out. Okay, and then spin into me." I groaned as Mia elbowed my stomach hard, "Okay. Let's try again." Mia gasped, "No, no, no, no." I nodded, "One more spin. Very quickly, pull away. That's it, good! Good attitude, now spin in." Mia closed her eyes and spun in, slowly. 

Mia smiled and opened her eyes, "I did it?" I smiled, "Quiet well actually." Mia smiled and looked at the Queen, "Grandma! I spun without hurting anyone." Clarisse smiled, "That's very good news." Mia looked at me and smiled, hugging me around the neck, kissing the corner of my mouth. I froze up and smiled like I just won the lottery, I could hear the Queen giggling happily. 

"It's coming along. Well done," The Queen said smiling, "Now, you may go home." Mia smiled, "Thank you! See you tomorrow! Don't forget to pick me up, Luc!" Mia grabbed her things and ran out, leaving me to the wolves.

The Queen smiled, "You two are developing nicely. I hope to have you as an actual grandson soon." I blushed and ran out of the room, leaving the laughing Queen.  

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