Chapter Eight

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Joe and I were playing basketball as Mia was sitting on the bleachers, staring off into space. I tried to fake Joe out, only for him to take the ball. I groaned and tried to get the ball back, only for Joe to laugh and make a basket. Joe threw me the ball with a laugh as Lilly came running up the stairs to talk to Mia, "Hello, Princess! You're the most popular girl in school! Everybody wants to take your picture. Your boyfriend is the talk of the halls! Everybody wants to be your best friend!" I roll my eyes as Joe shakes his head, "Why couldn't everyone see Mia for what she was before this?" 

Mia smiled at my choice of words and ignored Lilly's words, "Hi, Lilly." Joe and I continued playing basketball before having to take Mia to the Queen. I heard a crash and looked over to Mia quickly to see her sitting down and laughing, "Mia! Are you okay?!" Mia continued laughing and stood up, "I'm fine!" I smiled and turned back to Joe who smirked, "Oh hush." Joe laughed and shot another basket. 

"Joe!" Mia called out. Joe dropped the basketball and we both walked over to her as she sat down, "Yes, Miss Mia?" Joe asked. Mia leaned her head against my shoulder, "I don't want to run my own country. I just want to pass the tenth grade, so can't I just tell everyone that I simply quit and give Lucas the throne?" Joe sighed, "No one can quit being who they really are, not even a princess. Now, you can refuse the job, but you are a princess by birth. Just like Lucas is a Lord by birth." 

Mia sighed, "How can I tell if I can even do the job?" I smiled softly, "By simply trying, Mia. I believe in you, Joe believes in you, Her Majesty believes in you. Most of all, your father believes in you." Mia looked at me and smiled, "You really know how to persuade someone, you know?" I grinned, "It's my manly charm." Joe nodded, "Like the fancy dinner coming up. She thinks you're ready." Mia looked at Joe with a small smile, "Really?" Joe and I nodded with a smile. I grinned, "Shall we practice entering like a Princess?" 

Joe took the lead on that one, while I sat back and watched. 

-----------At the Dinner------------

The Queen asked if I could be present at the table during the dinner since I am a Lord and the last of the Whitlocks. I agreed, knowing that Mia might be more comfortable with me there. I wore a suit and tie that my father had, fitting me nicely. I looked up to find Mia gliding down the stairs and I went jaw-slacked, finding Mia more and more beautiful every day. I watched as Mia was introduced to Prime Minister, Sebastian Motaz, the greatest man I have had the pleasure of knowing other than my father and Joe.  

I snickered underneath my breath and she shook Sebastian's hand, watching him become confused when he tried to kiss the back of her hand. I walked over and stood beside Mia as she was shaking his wife's hand. 

"And their charming daughter Marissa," Joe introduced and Marissa smiled at Mia, only for Mari to smile brightly seeing me and launching into my stomach. "Luc!" Mari yelled out and I laughed, hugging Marissa close to me, "Hello, Mari! Behaving for your father?" Mari nodded as Sebastian chuckled, "Sometimes." I laughed and Sebastian bowed to me, "Lord Lucas." I shook my head with a smiled, "Mr. Motez, please. You don't have to bow. I do not deserve it." Sebastian chuckled, "My dear boy, no matter how many times you tell me, I'll still do it. One you are technically a royal. Two, you take care of my daughter when we are both out and can not do it. I thank you for that." I smiled, "If you insist." Mari giggled as we started playing rock, paper, scissors. 

"I'm not allowed to go to the party," Marissa said, matter of factly and we all chuckled. One of the butlers announced, "Dinner is served." We were all seated until Her Majesty arrived. I was seated right beside her, per her request. We all stood up as Sebastian announced her, "Her Majesty, Queen Clarisse." The Queen walked to her seat and gestured for us to sit down. 

Clarisse leaned over to me and whispered, "Do you think she is ready?" I whispered back, "I believe in Mia. She will do anything to make it right if not." Clarisse smiled and patted my hand, then looked at Robbie, "How are the children, Robbie?" Robbie stood up, "Would you like to see them, ma'am?" 

Robbie pulled out some photos and smiled, "There's Ryan and there's Bridget." The Queen smiled, "They're beautiful." Robbie looked at me, "They miss you very much, Lord Lucas." I smiled, "I will have to contact you about an outing with them when we arrive back in Genovia." Robbie nodded, "That would be lovely." 

The Queen took the pictures and leaned over to the man next to her, "Would you like to see?" The man shook his head and the Queen gave me a look and I shrugged, eating my soup. There were conversations all around, but I was having a silent one with Mia. She looked so beautiful but I knew she felt out of her comfort zone here. Every day, I felt more and more that she didn't want the throne. Which is fine, but I'll miss her when we part ways if she doesn't want it. I love Mia, but if she doesn't want it now and I end up taking it, she won't want it then being with me. It's a lose-lose for her. I feel bad. 

I watch as Mia accidentally sets fire to the card and then to the man's sleeve that sits beside her. My eyes widened, but Sebastian looks at me, "Lord Lucas. I personally changed the flowers to your parent's resting sites. Lillies for your mother and Hydrangeas for your father." I smiled, "Thank you so much, Prime Minister. I look forward to heading back to do that every couple of days. I hope you didn't feel burdened to do it." Sebastian's wife shook her head, "Oh dear, no. It's been a pleasure to do that for your family. Never a burden. Besides, a little birdy told us that you have someone special."  

I glanced at Clarisse who acted innocent and smiled back at Sebastian and his wife, "I love her very much and I hope everything works out." Clarisse and I watched as Mia put the man's sleeve out and Clarisse asked a butler to call over Mia.

This dinner is getting very interesting. 

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