Chapter Nine

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"Hi, you wanted to see me?" Mia asked, crouching to the Queen's level. I grinned slightly, "Is everything alright?" Mia blushed, "Um, yes, yes." Clarisse smiled, "What was happening with the ice bucket?" Mia smiled slightly, "I just had a little clumsy moment." Clarisse nodded, "Okay." Mia smiled, "Bye. The food's delicious by the way." Clarisse looked and me and smiled, rolling her eyes.

I grinned, watching as Mia took a big bite of the ice cream, silently laughing as she was having a brain freeze. Clarisse smacked my arm and I stopped laughing, still shaking and trying to keep it in. Clarisse leaned over to a guest and smiled, "Have you ever experienced that instant headache when eating too much ice cream?" The guest looked unamused, "No." 

Sebastian cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and Mia decided to tap a knife to a glass, shattering it. I flinched at the sound and rubbed my ear, "Ow." Sebastian smiled, "I would like to propose a toast to the Baroness and Baron Von Troken. May you always be Baron." I smirked behind my glass at the subtle bashing. Robbie grinned, "Ah, Genovia's famous pear and cheese dessert!" Clarisse smiled, "What else? This is Lucas's favorite after all." I looked up to Mia and saw her using her hands, I got her attention and gestured to the fork and knife, only to facepalm when Mia dropped one on the ground and she went to pick it up." 

Clarisse sighed and looked at me, "At least you balance out her clumsiness." The Queen and I watched in horror as everything when into chaos. Mia accidentally tripped someone causing a chain reaction. I covered my face with my hands but looked up as I heard the one who refused to show emotion all night....laughing. I smiled as we all laughed with him. Clarisse smiled and grabbed my hand, "Shall we adjourn to the Grand Hall for coffee?"

We all stood and I tried to head over to Mia, but she ran out and I sighed, looking at Clarisse for guidance. "What can I do to help her, Your Majesty?" Clarisse smiled, "She can do this. Herself. Guide her, but don't give her the answers." I nodded and retired to my room for the night.


The Next Day

Queen Clarisse and Mia went off on a city adventure yesterday together as Grandmother and Granddaughter. I smiled as I thought about Mia as I was trying to read Great Expectations. She always popped into my head and I wasn't really complaining. Joe walked into the room and sighed, "Her Majesty and Her Highness had way too much fun. A car wreck and using Royal title as a way to get out of trouble."

I looked at Joe and started laughing, "Are you serious!?" Joe smiled, "Time for school, loverboy." I groaned, "Stop making fun of me!" 

Once we picked up Mia and made it out front of the school, Mia smiled and kissed my lips, "Ready for another day of school?" I rolled my eyes, "I would rather fight a pear-sized cat." Mia giggled and we got out of the limo, Mia smiled at the younger children who wanted an autograph. I smiled, envisioning her with children. 

I waved at Micheal as he sat on the wall and he smiled and waved back, eventually we made it into school for class. Mia and I headed to our lockers and everyone started saying hi to Mia. I rolled my eyes, knowing that they are only doing this because of who she is now. 

"Mia." I snapped my head over to a blond-headed male who looked at Mia as he did to every female. I narrowed my eyes and glared at him, knowing what he was doing. Mia laughed nervously, "Hi." The male smirked, "Step into my office." I snarled and wrapped my arm around Mia, "She isn't stepping anywhere." Mia looked confused at my behavior, "Sorry about him, Josh. What is it?" Josh fakely smiled at me, "It's quite alright. So, I hope what Lana said on TV didn't freak you out too much." Mia smiled, "No, I didn't" Josh smiled, "Good. Because I broke up with her because of it, and I hate phony publicity seekers. Anyway, Saturday night's the big beach party and I'd think it would be cool if we went together as friends. See you on the waves." Mia smiled, "Okay." 

I looked between the two of them and frowned as Josh walked away, "Are you serious, Mia?! He's another Lana! He's using you! Besides! I thought we were going to have a movie night together! I make the food and you bring your beautiful self!" Mia sighed, "It's just as friends, Luc. I promise I'll make it up to you." I sighed and shut my locker, "Okay, Mia. Have fun." Mia smiled and kissed my cheek, "Thank you. Let's go to class." 


Helen's POV

"Is Joseph driving you? What about Lucas?" I asked Mia, shocked that she was going to the beach party with Josh after she was so excited to have a movie night with Lucas. He was cooking and everything. I'll have to head over to the 'townhouse' and hang out with Lucas. That poor boy must feel upset. 

"No, Joseph was nice enough to take the night off and Lucas completely understood when I told him we could do it another time. I'm going to take the school bus with the other kids," Mia said, smiling as she was looking at her outfit, "Okay. I look like an asparagus." I smiled, "Lucas would think that you're a very, very cute asparagus." Mia smiled, "He would, but I'm just going to wear my blue suit." 

I frowned, "Who are you trying to impress? Lucas isn't going." Mia smiled, "Josh Bryant and I'm not trying to impress him." I frowned, "That Backstreet Boy clone you've had a crush on forever? He never paid attention to you until all of this happened. What about Lucas?" Mia rolled her eyes, "He's not a Backstreet Boy clone and we're going as friends. I told Lucas that, it will be fine. I'm going to get changed." 

I frowned again, I don't have a great feeling about this. I made a call to Clarisse and she informed me that Lucas isn't happy and has confined himself to his room, upset with himself and with Mia. Lucas said he told Mia that Josh was using her, but she didn't listen. 

I sighed, "This won't go well."

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