Chapter 26

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Ch. 26: Julian

A strange creature watches me from the bathroom mirror. It bears a passing resemblance to my reflection, but there are several glaring differences I can't ignore.

The eyes, for example, appear to have slit pupils like a cat's.

And yet the longer I stare, and the more the creature mimics my every move, the less I can deny that I am, indeed, looking at myself.

My eyes glow with amethyst fire, my skin has the glimmer of moonlight on snow, and my ears are pointier than usual. When I bare my teeth, my reflection displays sharp little fangs, and my fingernails have hardened into short claws.

"So... has this happened before?"

Behind my reflection, Ingrid watches with wide, curious eyes.

I heave a disconsolate sigh, and my bizarro self does the same.

"Sort of. Ever since Dane bit me, I've gone through... 'phases' like this. But it usually only happens around the full moon, and it's usually not this... noticeable."

As I speak, a sharp tooth catches my bottom lip and nicks the skin, drawing blood. My slit pupils expand as the coppery taste teases my tongue, and a shiver shoots up my spine; the more I learn about the Fae, the more I understand why encountering them might be a thing to fear.

"Wait up." Ingrid raises a hand. "Dane bit you? When?"

"After we were Mated," I say, turning away from the mirror to frown at her. "Well, after I came back from Faerie. About a year ago, anyway."

"Shit. But it didn't take, right? I mean... you're not a Wolf."

"Obviously, I'm not a Wolf." I roll my glowing purple eyes at her. "I'm just weird."

She bites her lip. "Can you turn it off?"

I shake my head. "No idea. Usually once my senses settle down, it fades on its own."

Ingrid wraps her arms around herself and frowns. "Well, can you 'settle down' before Dane gets back? Because I prefer my head attached to my body."

"It's not your fault," I say, a slight edge to my tone. "It was my idea to try the spell, and you're not my babysitter."

I push past her and return to the living room, where the ring of Faerie light has already faded to a memory. The candle still burns in the center of my 'circle,' though, and while I'd glossed over the finer details of the ritual to begin with, I figure it wouldn't hurt to end it properly, given its apparent effectiveness.

Picking up the little card of instructions from where I'd dropped it, I read the last few lines. Then, settling back into as much of a relaxed, meditative state as I can manage, I thank the elements and 'release' them, ending by extinguishing the candle and erasing my imaginary 'circle.'

When I finish, I do feel a sense of having completed something, and when I open my eyes, I find Ingrid's expression has shifted from alarm towards tentative relief.

"Looks like you were right," she says. "It's less noticeable already."

I shoot her a look as I get to my feet and go to check my appearance in the mirror. She's right, and this time I don't have any trouble recognizing myself.

I swipe a hand through my hair and release a shaky breath as my tension and anxiety dissipate. At the same time, a flicker of annoyance remains. I hadn't used my abilities directly, and changes in appearance aside, I'd call the experiment a success.

On the other hand...

"Don't get too comfortable just yet," I say, as I pull out my phone. "If what I saw is accurate—if Stephanie wasn't just out of her mind with terror—then she wasn't alone in the Shadowlands. I need to call Halloran, and I think we might need to mount a rescue."

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