chapter 3

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"So you and Malfoy are now friends?" Hermione asked. Harry didn't tell the whole story, about how his dirty dreams and fantasies came true, or how his mouth tasted like strawberries, but he knew Draco would be mad at hm when he told his friends about it. "Yes, we are." Harry answered. Feeling the fresh hickeys on his body. "And you think it is going to turn out good?" Ron asked. "Yes, he's all I have. You two are so much with each other I feel really lonely, Draco feels the same, we can give each other what we want. Friendship." Harry said thinking about how Draco his lips in his neck felt. "Friendship? With Malfoy?" Hermione asked. "He can be a good person." Harry answered thinking about the touches on his skin. "we'll give you a week and you'll be hexed betrayed and killed by him." Ron said. "Fine." Harry said and walked upstairs he was tired of his friends doing that. he lied down on his bed and thought about Draco his lips who explored his complete body. His tongue who tasted him. he smiled when he thought about the moment, he had the opportunity to touch him, taste him, explore him. he felt himself become hard again. What only the thought of this boy did with him. he was surprised.

Draco woke up all sweaty and disoriented he can remember wanking last night because of Harry, but he knew he did something after that, he only can't remember what. He had a headache. He got out of bed and changed his clothes. "what's wrong?" Harry his voice sounded behind Draco. Draco looked in shock at the boy. "When did you come in?" Draco asked. "You were so drunk last night." Harry giggled. "You didn't know what you were doing, we fucked." Harry said. Draco nodded; "but it's Saturday so come back." Harry said. "Get out of my bed idiot. Or we're going to be late for breakfast." Draco said. "I think I have my breakfast in here." Harry answered. Draco looked at Harry. he shook his head. "Why not?" Harry asked; "because." Draco answered. Harry stood up and hugged the boy. "we're only one week together and I'm already sleeping in your dorm." Harry smiled and bit in Draco his shoulder. "I know what you're trying." Draco said. Harry giggled. "Are you sure you aren't drunk?" Draco asked. "Maybe, I found your fire whiskey, where'd you get it?" Harry asked. Draco chuckled. "I got it from my father." Draco answered. Harry released Draco from his grip. "Did I mention that I like your tattoo?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head. "I like it." Harry said. Draco looked at the stag on his chest. "You know, my Patronus is a stag, and my dad was an Animagus he was a stag." Harry said. "Coincidence." Draco said, knowing he got the tattoo because he knew Harry's Patronus is a stag. "I have a question, you have to be honest, and I won't leave you if you are. I swear." Harry said. Draco was already scared for the question. "Tell me." Draco said. "Are you going to be a death eater?" Harry asked. Draco didn't want to answer. "Honestly?" Harry asked. "Yes." Draco answered disappointed in himself. Harry nodded. "Are you mad at me?" Draco asked. "No, I like it when my boyfriend has a badboy side, that's what I never had with Cedric." Harry answered. "a badboy side? Harry, it's the opposite of what you are, the death eaters are trying to kill you." Draco said. "oeh, you have a chocking kink?" Harry asked. Draco looked at him. "I wasn't saying that." Draco said. Harry smirked. "But you do?" Harry asked. Draco did but wasn't going to admit it. he never told someone about his kinks. "Nope." Draco said. "I do." Harry said. Draco raised his eyebrow. "I didn't know you were a badboy type." Draco repeated Harry his words. "I didn't know you were a thief." Harry said. "Well, I am not the one who stole my virginity." Draco said. Harry looked at him with wide eyes. "I did what?" Harry asked. "Nothing." Draco answered and kissed him on the nose. "Get ready for breakfast." Draco said and picked up his wand. They walked apart from each other towards the great hall. Harry entered first and Draco entered 10 minutes later. "What was Potter doing at our door?" Pansy asked. "he wanted to practice defense against the dark arts. He is almost able to defend himself from it." Draco answered. "why does he look drunk?" Blaise asks. "because he is, he found my favorite drink." Draco answered. "I can't believe it. you made the chosen one drunk?" Blaise asked. Draco chuckled. "yes, I was drunk too." Draco answered. He looked over at the Gryffindor table. "he is cute when he is drunk." Pansy said. Draco knew she always wanted to date Harry Potter, he was jealous even though he knew that Harry was dating him. "so are you leaving for Christmas tonight?" Crabbe asked. "you know the answer." Draco said and ate his food, he went to the library to make the homework that professor Umbridge had given them, after the holidays they had one more lesson practicing and then Umbridge would try it on everyone. He now was making an essay about it. Harry entered the library and sat next to Draco. "for when is this due." Harry asked. "two weeks after the holidays. Why do you ask?" Draco said. Harry smiled. "I'm leaving for the holidays and I wanted to be with you, before I can't see you for two weeks." Harry whispered, while looking at the angry face of madame Pince. Draco nodded and walked with Harry around the castle when they knew they weren't in sight of anyone they held hands. "come on let's go to my dorm." Harry said. "why yours? everyone can see us there." Draco answered. "don't you like having the feeling you can get caught?" Harry asked winking at him. Draco smirked and he took Harry's hand and they ran towards the Gryffindor tower. No one was there, they were all making homework and hanging with friends. 

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