Chapter 11

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Sam smiled as he starred at the test in his hand. Elvis just starred at him and held his phone, before looking up to see that the crew has returned.

"Any luck yet?" Penny asked as Elvis nodded.

"Mhhm look at this." Elvis showed her the test as her eyes went wide. Arnold and Ellie looked at it too, and so did Sam.

"So it really is true then, Sam does have parrents." Penny spoke as Elvis nodded.

"But I don't think they know they have a kid." Arnold spoke.

"Well he was created using both of there DNA's, correct?" Ellie asked as Arnold nodded his head.

"That has to be it otherwise we wouldn't be seeing both of there names listed there." Arnold spoke.

"So what do you suppose we do Penny?" Elvis asked as Sam held Penny's hand.

"I say we get in touch with these two as soon as possible. I'm sure they'd want to know what happened." Penny spoke.

"But.." Sam spoke as Penny looked at him.

"But what Sam? They are your parrents." Penny spoke as Sam frowned.

"No want me?" Sam asked as Penny shook her head.

"Well I'm sure they will want you. We just have to go find them first. I just don't know where to look." Penny spoke.

"Well I do. Follow me." Ellie spoke as she looked at the page.

"Where are we headed?" Arnold asked.

"When you scroll down on the page it gives you an address. It says they are right here in Pontypandy." Ellie spoke.

"That's wonderful. I suggest you know exactly where we are headed?" Penny asked as Ellie nodded.

"I've been down this street many times before." Ellie spoke as Elvis giggled.

"Oh this is so exciting!" Elvis exclaimed as they all walked for a long while. Before reaching the street.

"This is the place." Ellie spoke as Sam nodded.

"Here?" Sam asked as Ellie chuckled.

"We have to find the proper home first Sam." Ellie spoke.

"Oh." Sam spoke as he followed her, soon stopping as they reached a home. It had a red door and a couple of windows on the front. Ellie knocked on the door and waited for a response. Soon the door opened.

"Oh hello. How can I help you lot today?" The woman spoke.

"Uh well you see.." Arnold spoke as she gasped.

"Is there a fire?" She asked as Ellie chuckled.

"No ma'am don't worry your safe." Ellie spoke as she sighed. A man soon walked to the door.

"Who is it honey?" He asked as he looked at them.

"The fire service. But I don't know what for." She spoke as Penny looked at them.

"We have someone I think you should meet." Penny spoke as Elvis giggled. "Uh Elvis, where is Sam?" Penny asked as Elvis grabbed him. Stopping him from wandering too far away.

"Right here Penny." Elvis spoke as the man and the woman looked shocked. A boy who looked a lot like the both of them stood there.

"This is your son, Sam." Penny spoke as both of there eyes went wide.

"But we never..." The woman spoke as Penny smiled at her.

"It's a very long story." Penny spoke.

"Well do come in please I insist." The man spoke as everyone walked inside. Sam soon starred at the man and woman, and spoke.

"Sam." He said with a smile as they both pulled him into a hug.

"We never... had you. But whatever happened must have happened for a reason. We are going to love and cherish you forever." The woman spoke as Sam smiled.

"We've always wanted a child, but it never worked out. Sam is our blessing." The man spoke as Sam held them tighter.

"Love." Sam spoke as his mother kissed his forehead and his father smiled at him.

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