First Tantrum

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"Ow...ouch!" August winced, hurtful aches ruined snack time today. Once a delicious looking apple switched into a torture device. He would willingly trade top secret information to dodge unwarranted pain. At last, the only secret he knows about is Biff's hidden candy stash. Biff provides August Sour Patch Kids, as hush money or hush candy as one might say.

"Baby, finishing your apple,"Alex said, flipping a book page. "There isn't much time to waste, okay? Summer's coming super quickly and we must finish your studies." The giant took a second to comprehend August's arrival several months ago. Their special boy been part of the family a little bit now. Days, weeks, and months fly fast, and Alex enjoyed each moment knowing the young child was their joy. Their purpose in life. Their son.

"I'm full." August announced to his giant father across the living room table. August's desk was tiny and painted dark blue.

"Full? You took two bites."

"Two big bites."



"Sick? Stomach upset?" Alex loved children, but them vomiting...ugh. "Show me where your tummy hurts."

"Here..." He pointed into his mouth. Alex seemed worried even more.

Toothaches were no laughing matter. Cavities caused awful pain, sleepless nights and trouble—how the hell did he not notice? August all week put up fights when asked to eat. The two husbands considered the issue a 'picking eating' situation. Obviously, August kept another truth hidden.

"Kiddo," Alex started. "We talked about telling us what's wrong." Were they untrustworthy worthy? Did August really distrust them? What kind of parents can't earn children's trust? Then, he remembered why August adopted.

"He found his mom dead. She overdosed and collapsed on the bathroom floor. Shortly after, his father started drinking again and beat him nonstop. August's father threatened more bruises if he told anyone. Social workers discovered what was happening shortly after August quit attending classes." A social worker had informed the two.

"I know." August regretted telling a lie.

"Let's just call Dr. Arthur—"

"NOOOO!" August hollered. "No...the tooth isn't hurting anymore." His voice squeaked.

"Prove it." Alex's arms crossed.


"Yeah, prove it."

"O..okay..." August gulped and took a tiny bite. When his tooth touched the apple he screamed: "OW!" Shoot, Alex started dialing Biff. Biff had a friend working at town's dentist clinic and able to find them better availability times. Few rings and Biff answered:

"Hey babe!"

"Biff, August told me his tooth hurts. Mind calling Alice and asking if she can get us an appointment soon?"

"Sure, how's our little man doing?"

"So-so, definitely not liking the idea of seeing the dentist."

"Awww, poor guy. I'll call today and we'll talk later."

"Sounds good, bye sweetie."

August couldn't bare the idea! Visiting a dentist? If any kid knows anything, it's that dentist are monsters. Simple fact. August's biological grandfather had his teeth removed and sobbed till the day he died. Poor grandfather. Was it his cigarettes or toothless figure responsible for his death? Well, August wasn't sure what 'cigarettes' were, but no doubt they weren't the old man's killer.

"Kiddo, did you hear me?" Alex's fingers snapped.


"Biff texted me, you're scheduled for Friday."

August wasn't sure why, he wished he held it together, yet all hell broke loose. "NOOOOO! I DON'T WANNA GO!"



"Calm down!" He yelled.

August gasped and sobbed harder.


"Okay-okay! Sweetheart, what's the matter?!" August rarely got angry when he did, the bursts were mild. He texted Biff and asked if he could come home soon.

Alex: Biff, are you able to leave an hour early? August is having a major crises. He's screaming and won't say what's wrong.

Biff: On my way!
"If you study, you'll pass the test! Make sure to study chapters eight, nine, thirteen, and 16. I recommend—"
Biff's phone buzzed. He checked the text, seeing Alex had texted: Biff, are you able to leave an hour early? August is having a major crises. He's screaming and won't say what's wrong.

Alex would never ask if Biff could leave early if there wasn't an emergency. Something was really wrong. He shot his husband a text back saying he's coming soon. Before leaving, Biff asked fellow teacher Mrs. Stark to watch his class. She agreed and he raced home.

Usually when Biff walked through the front door, childish giggles and hugs awaited him. Today, blood curdling screams and a distraught Alex greeted him.

"AHHH! I HATE YOU!" August screeched.

What the actual fu-fudge. (No-No words) Buff recalled.

"Babe, what happened?" Biff asked.

Alex turned, his eyes were red and exhausted. He was crying and Biff took him into his arms.

"I...don't know! I mentioned the dentist and he freaked out! I...can't calm him..." Alex inhaled, fighting the urge to cry more. "I'm...a terrible father."

"Excuse me?" Biff's fingers lifted his lover's head. "You're a great father and a fantastic husband."

August witnessed their talk. Did Alex really think he was a bad dad? Oh, his heart sank. "It's fault." He whispered. August slipped off the table, down the tiny ladder. Alex and Biff were still chatting.

The tiny child slowly moved. His efforts failed when a giant hand snatched him. "Woah, where do you think you're going?" Biff raised an eyebrow.

Guilt flooded August. He couldn't bear looking directly at them. Perhaps words would help explain. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

"Explain." Biff sat his son between him and Alex. "Bud, that behavior is neither appropriate nor kind."

"I..know..."August whimpered. "I'm...really sorry. You're not a"

"Aww, little guy." Alex grabbed August and rested him on his chest. "I never in a million years hate my son! You worried me, that's all. Yeah, it did hurt when you said you hated me, but I can tell there's something else going on."

"Recall a while ago? Being open and telling us the truth?" Biff reminded him.

"Okay...promise not to laugh." August said.

"We promise."

August went on and explained his fear of the dentist. When all was said and done, Biff bit his lips. "Alex hates the dentist! He almost passed out—OW!"

Alex elbowed him. "There's nothing to worry about! We would never let anyone or anything hurt you, understand?"

"Yes sir." August said.

Alex and Biff were relieved the situation was over. The two couldn't believe they survived August's first tantrum.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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