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Once upon a time, a great light, a star descended upon a desolate rock in space. The desolate rock represented earth before any life existed Thereon... or so it was believed

The star as if it was a vessel carried inside it an ancient creature from another world called Lumeria, the old home of the Gods. The one that came from the star was known as Sirius, the God of Creation. Sirius was said to be a creature of extraordinary beauty with a multicolored crystal that was lodged in the space above his white pupilless eyes.

When Sirius arrived, the star that carried him embedded itself into the barren earth and what sprouted was a large glowing tree decorated in white lotuses and its roots grew throughout the entire planet. The tree became known as the Tree of Life and filled life throughout the globe. The earth became green with grass and vibrant with many plants and flowers. A large body of water was created and flowed freely and a ball of fire was sent into the sky to shine and provide light for the planet.

Soon after that, the once barren earth became home to many animals created by the Tree of Life. Sirius lived in harmony with the animals that inhabited the earth and soon Sirius sought to create a perfect world with other beings like himself.

Unfortunately, Sirius' plan was put on hold. For one day a creature of darkness, that had been slumbering deep within the earth, awakened. The creature was said to be a being of pure darkness and corruption, he was called Erebus, meaning "Personfication of Darkness".

Erebus used his dark power to corrupt the minds of the animals created by the Tree of Life, turning them against Sirius. Erebus corrupted everything in his wake. Leaving the earth as lifeless and desolate as it had been before Sirius appeared.

Eventually, all that was left was the Tree of Life, which Sirius protected personally because if it were to become corrupted all would be lost. This ultimately led to a fight between the two other worldly beings.

In the end Sirius knew he could not conquer Erebus. Using all of his power, Sirius unleashed an attack that left both him and Erebus wounded. Erebus retreated from which he came and Sirius slumbered while the Tree of Life resumed creation.

The Tree of Life again filled life throughout the earth and restored the earth that was obliterated from the fight between Sirius and Erebus.

By the time the planet was restored to its former glory, Sirius had awoken and had decided that it was time to create others with abilities like his. Sirius had four magical powers he wanted to share those powers with four individuals.

He used the Tree of Life to create four wooden sculptures that shared a similar appearance to himself, he then proceeded to touch each one and gift the with powers like his.

The first being would have the ability to shapeshift. The second being would have the ability to manipulate and materialize their own blood. The third would be able to manipulate the elements and the forth would have the ability to wield the elements.

Once the four beings were gifted their respective abilities they then began to grow skin, hair and eyes all different from one another, though what was most striking were the crystals, each a different color, that resided in each of their foreheads.

"Seivos omnos om ainus onómina."
(You all need names) Sirius spoke in the Lumerian language.

"Lós enūstos thanus nūdmos onómen Lycan."
(The first will bare the name Lycan) Sirius then proceeded to name the rest. Alistor he named the second. Eréndil he named the third.

"Atem lós téssertus thanus lenōs kirivit... Sitorious."
(And the fourth shall be called Sitorious)

With the guidance of Sirius the four beings, now known as the First Ones, Learned to harness and control their powers and together created the perfect world Sirius wished for.

That is the history of the Forest Of Eden...

Two thousand fifty years later, the First Ones decided to leave the Forest Of Eden behind to create their own realms. Lycan went east, Alistor went west, Eréndil with south and Sitorious went north.

The East where Lycan settled was named the Land of Earth. The west where Alistor settled was named the Land of Fire. The south which Eréndil had claimed was named the Land of water. And the north where Sitorious called home was named the Land of Wind.

In their own Lands the First Ones thrived and soon created others similar to themselves. Lycan created the werewolf race, Alistor made the demons, Eréndil created the elves and Sitorious created humans with the ability to wield the elements.

But, when the First Ones left the Forest Of Eden something changed, something inside them and that same year, the presumably immortal beings... died. Though not without leaving a child behind to continue their line.

Years passed, centuries passed. One would be born from each descendant only to die once they reached their twenty fifth year of life. War came and went throughout the four lands along with disease, death and corruption.

The world that was once perfect now corrupted.

The First Ones' lines began to grow, though they could only grow but so far. A curse they began to call it. Each descendant could only bring forth one child and then and their child would die once they reached their twenty fifth year. It had seemed that the First Ones and all who came after them were fated to die.

Miraculously, the First Ones' bloodline continued and in the year 93, four generations after Eden the first Guardian was born. A child both human and elf. Children between two different races were thought impossible to achieve and it was, but not for the descendants of the First Ones.

When it became known that the hybrid child could both wield and manipulate the elements the descendants took advantage of this and sought to create a 'perfect being' much like Sirius.

In time it came to be. Each realm had their 'perfect being' a child of all four races though nothing changed, the curse still existed and the hybrid children would also die just like the ones before them.

They say that Sirius was the one who created the earth and vanquished Erebus. That he had all the power in the world, that he was immortal but if that was true, if Sirius did once exist where was he now? Few say that he never existed at all, most say he has been slumbering in the sky and will return when they need him most and some say that he had forsaken them as punishment for being insatiable.

There had been not trace of Sirius, nor the Forest Of Eden. Only the stories that the First Ones told, the stories that have continued to be passed on.

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