The Land Of Water

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                            September 9
                        The Land of Fire
              (Outside the city of Zillah)

Their visit had come to an end as they headed back home to the Land of Wind. Though fun whilst it lasted he was happy to be going home. He sighed, gazing out the window at the wooded area and was just about to close his eyes when he saw it.

A winged shadow.

His eyes widened as the ground shook as something crashed to earth the carriage stopped and Gilbert climbed out. He instructed to boys to stay inside the carriage before telling the driver to prepare to drive the carriage in case of an emergency.

The boy had been practically bouncing in his seat. He knew what he saw and was eager to get a closer look. Without a second thought he slid open the door to the carriage and climbed out.

"Nolen!" Julian called. "Gilbert said to stay inside!" He yelled but the boy was already gone and chasing after the lead advisor that went to inspect the crash.

"Nolen?" Gilbert questioned as he stopped in his tracks. "What are you doing? I told you to stay inside the carriage... It may be dangerous." He said as Julian joined them both.

"Gil, I saw something before the sound." He exclaimed. "It was a winged—" He began but was quieted as Julian used his hands to cover the boy's mouth just as a loud roar was heard echoing through the forest... though nothing followed.

"Okay, we move slowly and quietly." Gilbert said with a single finger over his lips, motioning for the boys to follow him. They walked for what felt like only minutes before they reached a makeshift clearing in the forest. The trees had been broken and blood had been sprayed around the area and at the center laid an injured dragon.

He marveled at the sight of the creature but winced when he felt its pain through a bond only the Guardians shared. It hadn't been doing too good, actually it was on the very verge of death, he could feel it...

"Stay back." Gilbert told the boys as he approached the fallen dragon. As he got closer the dragon began to stir before letting out a pained roar.

"Gil!" Nolen yelled and he looked towards the boy. "He doesn't want to you come any closer."

Gilbert looked between the dragon and the boy and sighed before he walked away from the dragon, joining them once again.

"Can I?" Nolen asked and Gilbert shook his head.

"Absolutely not."

"But... what If I can help?"

Gilbert thought about it for a moment, never breaking eye contact with the young Guardian, before nodding his head, giving the boy permission to approach the creature. Even though the boy had been a guardian, the advisor still felt the need to protect him he was still just a boy after all... he wasn't ready but knew that if they had any chance of uncovering why their was a dragon near the Land of Fire capital, that Nolen was their only chance.

He approached the creature slowly. He hadn't felt fear as he made his way towards the beast... only concern as it began to lift itself off of the ground.
It chirped at the boy before lifting its right wing revealing an injured man.

He hurried over, whispering words of reassurance as he reached the injured man. He checked his pulse, he had been alive but barely breathing.

"Gil!" Nolen called and Gilbert rushed over. "He's dying." He whispered as Gilbert checked his wounds.

"Can you heal him?" Gilbert questioned.

"I don't know..." he answered as the man began to cough up blood. Nolen placed his hands on the man trying his best to heal him or at least ease his pain as the man began to reach for something in his pocket and slowly pulled out a small scroll. "Gil..." Nolen called as he took the scroll.

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